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1/32 Me 163

Really nice work James! :good:

This looks like a very good kit even though it has the bogus 'rubber' tires, at least the tires are easily replaceable.

Man I can't believe you had to sit in between those volatile fuel tanks. :eek:hmy:

Lordy it's tight in there James
Tony lee
Thanks fellas. Dave and Matroxone, in my humble opinion this is light years over the Hasegawa kit. I ordered Barracudacals Bf-109K-4 tires www.barracudacals.com/proddetail.php?prod=BR32074 which look better than the kit wheels. I would also on my next one either get new instrument decals to replace the kit ones or use the plastic ip and drybrush the details. Seriously, this is an awesome kit so far.
Tony, yeah from my reading it was scary. Pilots melting in the cockpit, a/c exploding on landing if they had some fuel left and hit wrong, people getting burnt. But about 9 kills with only 2 combat losses isnt bad. Its the ground and pilot error crashes that make it look worse. I would have to say that these were some very very brave men.
Hi James, nice work so far. I would like to know why you think the kit is light years better than the Hasegawa kit. Just curious...
I didn't mean to make extra work for you, thought maybe there was something specific. I don't plan on tossing mine in the dust bin just because a new one comes out. I already have a resin pit for it. While there may be a lot more detail on the new one, other than the pit, how much of it will be visible ?
Well this one can be posed with multiple panels open and the fuse split. They also give stands for the aft and fore side. The aft fuselage has panels so if you look in you dont have to scratch an interior. There are 2 ammo feeds with rounds for the MG 151 and the Mk108 guns and 2 complete guns for each. A biggy in the cockpit is behind the pilot. The frame work is open as it should be and a complete T stoff tank is in there The skid well has detail (but more could be added. The armoured glass has a separate frame. There are 2 different tail wheels and they are extended or retracted. The wing flaps are PE. You could go nuts and have all panels off if you wanted and there would not be much more to add. Lastly the engine is very well detailed. Its no problem for looking for the Has kit as I have to find some stuff for another friend at the same time.
cool kit James! and very nice work!

link to a site


there was a webpage about the chief test pilot Rudy Opitz, ''Chief test pilot Rudy Opitz tells it like it was''

fascinating read with so many pics, sadly it has gone
Thanks Phil, I'll explore that tonight when I get home from work.
Just as a side not for any F-16 Pilots or Ground Crew. C-Stoff is a Hydrazine mix basically the same as is used on the F-16. So you have an idea of what its like.
Interesting . Hydrazine is pretty nasty stuff. :sick: Is this the component that could remove your flesh or was it the Methanol.

Neither chemical is friendly but I don't recall that being part of the briefing on the F-16s

Cheers, Christian
Yeah the C-stoff (Hydrazine) was the melter. T-stoff was a catalyst.

That would explain why the fuel guys had to wear cotton around the F-16 . Nice of GD. to give us jets that had so much potential for trouble . They sure made it sound reasonable though.

Cheers, Christian B)
I remember watching a Discovery Wings show where the trucks for the C stoff and T stoff were never together...one would pull up and fill its tank and when the truck pulled far enough away, the other truck would then go fill....nasty stuff!