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1/32 Me 163

Looking real nice so far, I must admit I am jealous that you get to paint such a cool looking model. ;) Wish I had it! :D

Okay is this yellow too orange? Its supposed to be RAF Trainer yellow and by all looks is more orange than regular orange.



Thanks James but that would not do much good, I have been jobless for a long time and can't afford to buy new kits. I will just have to wait to get my hands on one of these new Me 163 kits. ;)

Okay is this yellow too orange? Its supposed to be RAF Trainer yellow and by all looks is more orange than regular orange.


RAF Trainer yellow is quite deep, but that looks like it would be more at home on a '69 Boss !! - I'd calm it down a wee bit, James, perhaps add a little white just to take the edge off.

Started doing the top. The wings are only partly done so I can decide if the colour in the instructions is close to what I want. I think so. The mottling is not my best, but it will have to do.



Comments, critiques most welcome.

Dear James.

...as I said before...well done!...for me the motling seems very good...go ahead my friend! :pilot


Looks good to me James (y) It will be different for sure, I have not seen one built up in captured markings before, so it will be unique.
Had the enormous pleasure of meeting 'Winkle' Brown on a number of occasions, he was a huge supporter of the IPMS(UK) Nationals when I was on the organising committee. No end of stories and all really well told !!

Komet is coming along very nicely, James.

Okay is this yellow too orange? Its supposed to be RAF Trainer yellow and by all looks is more orange than regular orange.


RAF Trainer yellow is quite deep, but that looks like it would be more at home on a '69 Boss !! - I'd calm it down a wee bit, James, perhaps add a little white just to take the edge off.


I agree with that statment . The FS equivalent is 33538 . Not quite as deep. Cheers, Christian B)
Which captured Me 163 are you building?

I can't seem to find photographs of any of the British captured Me 163's with yellow undersurfaces, there are several photographs of the Me 163 marked as VF241 with the undersurfaces freshly repainted but AFAIK the color was a light blue and not yellow...unless color photographs of VF241 surface there is no hard proof as to what color was painted on the undersurfaces.

Your painting is looking good so far! :good:

Thanks Les. I think I'm just following along with everyone else in regards to the colours. The Mushroom book also shows the yellow and the single coloured wings and tail. The only reason I'm doing this is because it caught my eye and my decals from Peddinghaus have not yet arrived. Found that page on VF241 and I see the mottling is all wrong on mine. Unfortunately I had a heck of a time just doing what I did and I dont think I want to retry it. I wish I had taken a bit more time researching the colours. Oh well, it should still look cool I think. I'll tell you it has really made me want to do a few more including Spates all red bird.
You could easily add a little more mottling on your model to more closely match VF241, its not too late! :)

The only problem I could see at all on the mottling you already did was it looked a little sparse, no worries though, the second mottling color has not been sprayed on yet and that would make your model match photographs of VF241 more closely.
