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1/32 Me 163

Thanks guys. Disaster has struck though. Kind of bummed out about it. I glued the glass together for the armoured screen and it fogged up. Dont know why. Then I noticed a huge finger print on the nose. I never saw it there until now, and it cant be removed. It doesnt show in the pictures, but boy does it ever show when you look. Oh well, back of the shelf I guess. Next one will be much better.
So Sorry James, I still think you did a very fine job with it, and really like the paint scheme you chose.
That glass can be fixed. pull it out, sand it with rough and progress up to fine then future it. Same for the thumb print, or the easy fix for the thumb print, don't take any more pictures from that angle...works for me. :good:
Agree with Young Lunar Dog. The glass is recoverable, gently sand-it-back, dunk it in Kleer/Future, let it dry and re-attach.... done it m'self a number of times.

Great work so far, wouldn't take much to repair the 'damage'.

The glass is clouded on the inside. Thing is it had a good coat of future and a week to dry. Fingerprint is the one that annoys and baffles me.
Okay almost done. Barracuda wheels came yesterday and are almost painted. Canopy on. Touch up painting, canopy support and wheels to be finished. And my walk of shame. The armoured glass that crazed despite being futured. And the mysterious finger print that I finally saw after the flat coat was on. I swear I had it all cleaned up. Oh well, next one will be much better.





I don't think anyone would notice either one. The finger print looks like weathering to me and I thought the canopy was the problem. Looks to me like you have a winner there. No shame needed here.

Terry (y)
You might want to lift that print. Find out who the culprit was :rotf Sorry James :blush: Couldn't help myself .

Could you make a new armored plate from clear acetate ?

Cheers, Christian B)
Whoa, James, that fingerprint isn't too bad. If you can live with it (and I probably would), then that's absolutely fine, no shame whatsoever. If you want to fix it, you could mask around carefully and lightly spray in some more mottling.

Just a suggestion, and of course the "next one will be much better". Look forward to seeing the finished photos.

The fingerprint on the airframe is easy to fix, what I do when that happens to me is get extra fine grade sandpaper and cut out a small square and very lightly wet sand the fingerprint off. With extreme care you should be able to remove it without damage to the paint.
Like what the others suggested for the glass armor piece wet sand and then coat with Future.

Hi James, Have been following along with this build from the beginning and just realized I've never posted a comment :( :blush:

Looks like a keeper to me (y) (y)

Really like the different colors and the camo, congrats on pulling that off !!

Looks great to me James (y) (y) If I fretted over every self induced glitch I'd give up building models cause all of mine have at least one some where. If you hadn't zoomed in on them I would have not noticed them !
From the fingerprint, I deduce Col. Mustard did it in the parlor with the candlestick. B)

James, my man, you are entirely too hard on yourself. I would be pleased with such a build and you KNOW the next one will be better. (y) :drinks
1/32 Me 163 Finished

Calling it done. Barracuda cal Bf 109K wheels on and they look sharp. Touch ups done.




Now onwards.

My overseer and QA. He has to check everything I do.

