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Latest Acquisitions Revisited!

Amazon purchase, all for less that $25USD shipped. Not shown, but included in the package, is a half gallon os Simple Green Cleaner concentrate.

Heat shrink tubing-
Amazon Heat ShrinkTubing 1.JPG
Amazon Heat ShrinkTubing 2.JPG

This is my third ultrasonic cleaner. The previous one (model 3800) had different time presets but I found I didn't use them. Instead of a deep basin, I got this one which has a larger, but more shallow, tub:
Amazon Ultrasonic Cleaner 1.JPG
Amazon Ultrasonic Cleaner 2.JPG

Previous model was this one. I can't seem to find my photo though:
Wow, amazing acquisitions guys! Chris, I really like that Santa's Hot Rod!

Here are some of the things I got lately...

First, some raffle prizes from my last IPMS meeting:



Next are some tools I got from my wife. This first one is a powered oscillating sander designed for use on plastics so they don't melt them:


That has come in handy in a major way with the two B-2 Stealth Bombers I'm working on.

Next is a desk lamp with lighted magnifyer:


And finally, the thing everything is sitting on is a gift from a friend; all I had to do was re-install one of the casters, here you see it in place under my window with my exhaust fan in the background:


I've made a lot of space in the room by adding these things to the drawers. In the top two drawers are all my most used tools:


The next drawer down holds about a third of my paints. It's even more filled now than is shown here:


The bottom two deep drawers hold about one fifth of my parts boxes. I'm still trying to condense them all down into less boxes while making them more organized so I can find things easier:


That is all for now. We'll see if anything else comes in later. After all, I did a job for my wife that she was so happy for that I took a chance and asked for "pay" in the form of a $50.00 value purchase of model(s). I'm still looking to see what I want to get.

Stay tuned!
After all, I did a job for my wife that she was so happy for that I took a chance and asked for "pay" in the form of a $50.00 value purchase of model(s). I'm still looking to see what I want to get.

Stay tuned!
Good Luck with that!

My wife called me to the kitchen to show me that a crack 'suddenly appeared' on our Bosch dishwasher fascia (control panel plate). After showing her the price of a replacement and that it was hard wired (not plugged in), she threw up her arms and said maybe I could do something with it with all my 'plastic surgery' experience.

Challenge on! It turns out the fascia is not connected to anything electrical and is made of ABS. Removed it, repaired with Weld-On #4, added strengthening plates from 0.04 inch styrene sheet cut to ensure no interference with the mounting, and then sealed it all up with JB Weld epoxy. Filled in cracks from front with Sharpie white oil marker (see previous Latest Acquisitions Revisited post) followed by cyano-acrylate glue which was then sanded down and polished. Cracks are barely visible and the door is now solid. Wife is please, my modeling skills redeemed as a 'plastic surgeon' but no price offered!
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Bought this kit awhile ago but just received the replacement road wheels today. The kit comes with the steel wheels and the kit version I want to build requires the ribbed aluminium wheels. The new wheels are 3D printed from Elefant Corporation. Thier order office is based in London, UK but the parts are shipped from Czechia. I had looked at the Panzer Art wheels but any shops that had them in stock had shipping prices that seemed I was buying the post office or courier unless I went with the 5-6 month delivery time.


Love the dozer M60 Rich. 🥰 I picked one up a while back as well....couldn't resist.

Ordered some belts for a Jagermeister 934 I'm building for a club build (30 day build). A little Mazda rotary flame thrower may have fallen into the cart to help "justify" shipping costs. :blush:

Good Luck with that!

My wife called me to the kitchen to show me that a crack 'suddenly appeared' on our Bosch dishwasher fascia (control panel plate). After showing her the price of a replacement and that it was hard wired (not plugged in), she threw up her arms and said maybe I could do something with it with all my 'plastic surgery' experience.

Challenge on! It turns out the fascia is not connected to anything electrical and is made of ABS. Removed it, repaired with Weld-On #4, added strengthening plates from 0.04 inch styrene sheet cut to ensure no interference with the mounting, and then sealed it all up with JB Weld epoxy. Filled in cracks from front with Sharpie white oil marker (see previous Latest Acquisitions Revisited post) followed by cyano-acrylate glue which was then sanded down and polished. Cracks are barely visible and the door is now solid. Wife is please, my modeling skills redeemed as a 'plastic surgeon' but no price offered!
No pictures? :smack:
That's an epic repair job right there. My only skills is repair the sweet baby Jesus figure every year that gets broke in storage.
No pictures? :smack:
That's an epic repair job right there. My only skills is repair the sweet baby Jesus figure every year that gets broke in storage.
Every year, it seems the 'golden' reindeer and Christmas train get damaged, along with some ornaments, for me to repair. I never thought of taking photos as the outcome is never guaranteed.
Coffee table book for only $10USD? I don't mind that the sleeve is a touch beaten!

Half off at Michael's Craft Stores clearance shelf. Make something for the wife and the rest is mine~
Those are sweet scores!

Here's my latest, I picked up some glues, blades and bits so I could finish a few models:


These are two models I got in trade from a friend in Canada:



And finally, the model my wife bought for me for helping her out:


That will keep me busy for a couple days......
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HIMARS 03.jpeg
HIMARS 02.jpg

This is not a HiMARS... note the suicide doors and windows! I have already prepared for this by having Trumpeters LMTV M1078 armored cab kit (to use the cab) and FMTV M1083 kit, to use the rest and mount the LMTV model's armored cab:
HIMARS 01.jpg

For those who wonder if it is actually the six-wheeled M1083, look at the placard:

And the birthday gifts continued to come in.....

From my friend and fellow IPMS Orange County club member Sean:



And later he found this:


This was from my SoCal AMPS group who gave this to me for my birthday:


And finally, from my friend Dave from our St. Crispin's Irregulars Hobby Day group came this which he found a Joann's Fabrics; it was the last model there:


And yes, the side of the Flying Saucer box says it is 1/72 scale!

That's all for now, thanks for stopping in.