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Zugkraftwagen 5t "Diana" Sd.Kfz.6/3 by Bronco 1/35

Yep Ron and they looked pretty good so that's the reason you don't see Fruils so that's saying something.

Painting them right now.

Thanks bud
Tony lee

What do you think folks?
They look like too much red to me, how about a thin black wash to kill some of it? I've got a bottle of that MIG DARK WASH and it's almost a charcoal.

Suggestions would be very helpful
Tony lee
A dark wash coming up "T". :D

I think I told you guys that Bronco failed to supply a muffler/silencer in the kit,guess they didn't see this picture.

A little bit of scratch work is all it takes
Tony lee
Thanks Dusan appreciate it (y)

Between steps on the tracks I put some items on the cowling and just to be different I didn't use the kit provided tarp covered windshield/screen but the in use frame.

I know what you're thinking and yes it works. :D

It's Hump Day
Tony lee
I think i've finally got a base color on these plastic tracks I can build on.

I miss my Fruils :eek:hmy:
Tony lee
Looking good Tony, but it looks to me like just the tops of the rubber pads are rubber colored, not the sides. Could be
covered up by further weathering, dusting, but it kinda stands out to me.

HTH, Tom
Yes sir you're so right Tom and that's just what i've been doing. (y)
You people and your microscope eyeballs,can't get away with nothing around here. :hmmm

Thanks for noticing my boo boo.
Tony lee
James you can always spot these people that have done these types of things before,they know where to look :D

Tony lee