moon puppy wrote:
I learned a long time ago that you can not ignore the voices . Besides, how difficult can it really be. Just a little work with a dremel to remove Trumpeters silly attempt at what ever it was that they were attempting here. Then just shift the exhaust a little to the left, and finish with a quick and easy scratch build intake manifold made out of large diamater solder.
I really don't see how that could be so difficult .
Gary B)
I ain't doing really, the voices are telling me to do it, to move the exhaust and build the intakes... I ain't gonna do much time does those voices expect me to spend on just the engine???? MAKE THEM STOP!! :gogo :gogo
I learned a long time ago that you can not ignore the voices . Besides, how difficult can it really be. Just a little work with a dremel to remove Trumpeters silly attempt at what ever it was that they were attempting here. Then just shift the exhaust a little to the left, and finish with a quick and easy scratch build intake manifold made out of large diamater solder.
I really don't see how that could be so difficult .
Gary B)