mas•ter/ˈmæstər, ˈmɑstər/ Show Spelled [mas-ter, mah-ster]
1. a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages; to be master of one's fate.
2. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.
3. an employer of workers or servants.
4. the male head of a household.
5. a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science: the great masters of the Impressionist period.
What makes a modeler a “Master”??
Is it how many models they make a year?
Is it how many reviews they have done?
Is it because they use all the new up-to-date tools and paints?
Is it based on how many articles they have written?
Is it because of the awards they’ve won?
Is it based on where they live?
Or is because of some skill?
Just what makes a “Master Modeler”? I really want to know!
Here at Modelers’ Alliance we have a section dedicated to those who we have deemed to be “Masters” of our hobby in some way. We have diorama builders, figure painters, scratch builders, armor builders, aircraft experts, and some who are just good at most things. Of late we have been adding some new faces to that group with more to come and for whatever reason I have been included in that group as well. While taking some jibes from some folks I do feel really honored that someone thinks I’m good enough to be included in that group. However now I feel like I need to pull some sort of “masterpiece” out the hat every time I build something. I think you will find that everyone who was informed of their elevation to “Master” said “Who me!!!!!”. Some of you may agree or disagree with the selections and for that reason I want to know what you think makes a “Master Modeler” here at Modelers’ Alliance or anywhere else. Because I really want to know!
1. a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages; to be master of one's fate.
2. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.
3. an employer of workers or servants.
4. the male head of a household.
5. a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science: the great masters of the Impressionist period.
What makes a modeler a “Master”??
Is it how many models they make a year?
Is it how many reviews they have done?
Is it because they use all the new up-to-date tools and paints?
Is it based on how many articles they have written?
Is it because of the awards they’ve won?
Is it based on where they live?
Or is because of some skill?
Just what makes a “Master Modeler”? I really want to know!
Here at Modelers’ Alliance we have a section dedicated to those who we have deemed to be “Masters” of our hobby in some way. We have diorama builders, figure painters, scratch builders, armor builders, aircraft experts, and some who are just good at most things. Of late we have been adding some new faces to that group with more to come and for whatever reason I have been included in that group as well. While taking some jibes from some folks I do feel really honored that someone thinks I’m good enough to be included in that group. However now I feel like I need to pull some sort of “masterpiece” out the hat every time I build something. I think you will find that everyone who was informed of their elevation to “Master” said “Who me!!!!!”. Some of you may agree or disagree with the selections and for that reason I want to know what you think makes a “Master Modeler” here at Modelers’ Alliance or anywhere else. Because I really want to know!