This build is almost as old as the forum, it has resurfaced so many times, it ought to be a submarine! During my being sidelined with the detached retina thing, my friend Don Barry sent me two figures he painted to use with the Wespe. That was such a gift, it's awesome to have some of Don's work and for him to give them to me to add to my build is really cool. I've struggled with a suitable idea for a base to depict the scene I had in my head, I wanted them to be just right. I don't know if this is just right to others, but I'm pretty happy with how this came out. So enough of my blather, here's the Wespe and crew
The base was made from rigid styrofoam, wrapped with balsa and the groundwork was DAS air drying clay. Following the suggestions from WWScenics, the grass was built up from several layers of different sizes and colors of their static grass, applied with the WWS Pro Grass Applicator. The tree was made from wire, rope fibers and static grass. I managed to lose the folded jacket Don included in the care package, it will probably turn up now that I have called this done.
This build won't ever be shown in competition, but it will have a special spot in my display case. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Don! I'll always hold this one near and dear. Thanks for coming by and thanks to all who commented along the way!