Its been a long time since the last post.
Another Hobbyboss 38T has joined the group, Complete with interior although it was just the basics and no enhanced detailing. Just enough to show the viewer there is an interior. 3 38T's all with interiors and engines.
This weekend has been spent to try and get them to blend together so to speak and give each tank a slight variance in the panzer grey colour and individual weathering.
The track tools, stowage and arials are still to be added along with a couple of Alpine figures on each tank.
In between building the 3rd hobbyboss 38T I managed to build the AFV CLUB M54 with the Paracel figures. The truck has received a coat of paint and at a stage where the underside of the truck body is getting heavily weathered.
More photos to follow.
Once the cab is weathered and detailed the driver and passenger will be first to be glued into position.
Thirdly as if this was not enough on the workbench the Ryefield Panzer 4 G model was commenced. Why the G model you may ask - because the bolt on armour detail on the G is exquisite
This is sitting in the paint line and will be the benchmark for the 13 Stalingrad Tank crew and riders.