Thanks Gonzo and James,
I appreciate your words.
Gonzo to answer your question about the 7th Panzer division its pretty loosely based on that idea. With the rivit counters and history buffs out there I'm not going to be too specific on units so to speak. The Panzer 38 T's had played a huge part in the early stage of the war and this diorama is to show them in support of the plethora of figures advancing into Russia.
The Hobbyboss/Tristar kit is an exellent build and a great price for the amount of detail, thats if you got the kit with the interior.
Its still a work in progress and at the moment its been pushed side ways for the time being.
The last 2-3 years have seen a lot of projects started and only 1 vehicle on the bench to be finished.
During the clean up of the hobby room I had come across a large number of figures built for dioramas that never got started.
So the Russian dio and everything else was put on the back burner.
I pinned all of 250 to 300 figures to be ready for painting and placed back on the foam core to be used in the future. That was the plan.
As you can see all the grey figures are at the front in various stages of completion and will be painted at varous stages .
And then loose interest to work on another Russian snow diorama idea. Another 50 or so German snow figures have taken my fancy and are being worked on now.
With my seond Apine figure painted in 4 years and the face to be painted and then happy days.
We had the pest man come in this week to spray and I needed to get the boxes spread out for him to spray around them. Here is the collection broken down with the first pile of boxes at the front that have been started in the last 3 years and not finished
Just for the record The 50 or so german figures in the snow are all going to be painted. Thats the goal for the first part of 2023.
