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Show us your mugg

Just to redeem myself, I'm a cultured Southerner


who has the majority of his teeth left..
well lucky that Sotis it's, but I know what it's been with alert button always on! :D

I have a problem similar:

this is "Polaca" or "Pupi"

Lately I have change my workbench and I was taken some pictures and she resolve be the model:




and to ilustrate, some picture with me:

She like my beard :vmad


Here I'm with my Lovely Girlfriend.
I avoid camera's like the plague but i was caught here as England were knocked out of the Rugby World Cup last week ..................by France !!!!!! so much for my lucky England shirt :)


Mind you were deserved it :)
Hey Paddy,

Thanks for joining us in;Show us your mugg!

Luckily your face doesn't look like your avatars one.... :D

Us at Christmas-

Me- Mom- Melissa- and Gary our step dad. picture was taken by sis's boyfriend Chuck. My brother is at his house, after his kids were born he refuses to leave the house on Christmas, I call that 'Kevin's law'

Hey there's Chip, Good family picture Chip. (y)

Magnus, dude, you look like a classic Bond villain. :blink :woohoo: :evil: OK maybe not a villain, one of those double agents he runs into from time to time. :hmmm

:D :mpup
Hehe, maybe time for a career change! I've been unemployed for quite a while, so if the movie producers have a need of a Bond henchman, I'm ready and willing. :D
I know a few sentences in Russian and I can swear in Finnish, so the dialogue should be covered.
And I can bring my own cat, if Blofeldt has lost his. ;)

He is. :)
Fourteen years old, and only one of his canine teeth left in place. Happiness to him is to be in the sun or by a hot radiator, with the food bowl not too far away.:D
Guess I should post a pic or two as well.

Here's a happy boy on Christmas morning.


...and these two characters are generally too lazy to be much trouble on the bench, especially the fat one. Getting them off my favorite chair is another issue all together. :vmad
