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Questions re: Scissor scopes on german armour.

Delta Hotel

New member
Any german armour experten out there?
I have been searching for info and/or pics of scissor scopes and their use on german armour with little success. Only pics I can find are of recon vehicles (half tracks usually)with these scopes deployed. On tanks I used to assume if the commanders cupola had the extra hatch for the scope then it was equipped with one but am not so sure. So... Which vehicles employed these scopes? Was it only assault guns and tank destroyers? Command tanks or all late war tanks? Were they useful in combat or only used for observation?
Any pics, links or recommended reading would be much appreciated. Thanks fellas.
Well I'm no German armor expert but I would tend to think that only vehicles lacking a cupola, (which has built in periscopes) like a jagdpanzer 38t (hetzer), early StuG's and half tracks etc. would need and use those scopes.

I could be wrong though so lets wait for someone more knowledgeable in that area to say yay, or nay.

Greetings and Salutations DH

While I think Ken is right about the need for a scissor 'scope when you've a cupola full of periscopes, I've seen loads of pictures with them being used in just that situation.

I think the reasons why they were used are that...

They were highly effective, the focal length of a good pair of binoculars or a telescope but in a more useable package.

The periscopic nature of their design would reduce the neccesity of the vehicle commander to expose too much of himself to enemy fire.

I think they were not handed out willy-nilly, but were a much cherished piece of kit that were hung on to as much as possible.

Don't forget that German optical equipment have always been considered the best you can get, and indeed still are.

I am no expert and don't even pretend to be. However, I do have a book that contains a very few pictures of the Zeiss scissors telescope sf.14.2 being used out of the cupola of a Panzer I.
I don't know why that would be the case other than what has already been mentioned about the superior optics of such implements.
One thing that scissor Telescopes have another advantage with is that they can triangulate distance just like a rangefinder proper so any vehicle like stugs that used proximity fuse ammunition was usually issued one . They were not obviously as accurate at greater distance as they did not have the focal variance of a larger rangefinder .

Jenny :kiss:
Thanks for the feedback people.
I started thinking about this months ago when I was going through the stash deciding what to build. Dragons Jagdpather & StuH42 both have the scopes included. This allows you to show the scopes deployed. The Elephant kit has the seperate hatch (on the commanders cupola hatch) for the scope to protrude but no scope. I was toying with the idea of the Elephant hatch down with the scope up. Anyways, after much googling and reading the references I have, I am still no closer to a definite answer on which panzers carried them and of what tactical use they were. Photographs of the said scope deployed are rare as hens teeth. I am by no means a rivett counter or suffer AMS (I am just happy to put one of the bloody things together) but the historically accurate side of me just had to wonder.
My quest continues...