Well-known member
I have decided to start a thread for this but it may be premature. No worries i can dig it out of the archives when i want to update it.
I should have called this thread "We're going to need a biggerBoat Bench " but "Pocher" makes it easier to find.
I picked this up today about 40 miles up the road. It was on E-bay as collection only so i was lucky it was so close...I think i was lucky in that i paid £135.00 ( about$160 ) an unstarted one would be $1000 +
The guy listed it as 50% complete so i guess most people passed it by however i looked closer and what he meant was 50% completed ..50% complete implied half was missing, thats why i think i got it at a good price.
Anyway this is it
Its been very crudely assembled, no paint at all and no cleaning up of parts
Whats there needs a lot of sorting
But its 90% screwed together so just needs stripping down and starting again
I have a very nice ultra sonic cleaner which i think will be great for this.
first thing is to catalogue the loose parts and strip and bag the assembled parts.
I'm actually feeling quite enthusiastic at this point however its going to be a massive job because they are hundreds of parts, non are marked as they would have been supplied in marked bags so now its going to be a load of patience and time..
The model i think is supposed to be "The Star of India"
Unfortunately i cant live with the colour so its going to be something else
I should have called this thread "We're going to need a bigger
I picked this up today about 40 miles up the road. It was on E-bay as collection only so i was lucky it was so close...I think i was lucky in that i paid £135.00 ( about$160 ) an unstarted one would be $1000 +
The guy listed it as 50% complete so i guess most people passed it by however i looked closer and what he meant was 50% completed ..50% complete implied half was missing, thats why i think i got it at a good price.
Anyway this is it
Its been very crudely assembled, no paint at all and no cleaning up of parts
Whats there needs a lot of sorting
But its 90% screwed together so just needs stripping down and starting again
I have a very nice ultra sonic cleaner which i think will be great for this.
first thing is to catalogue the loose parts and strip and bag the assembled parts.
I'm actually feeling quite enthusiastic at this point however its going to be a massive job because they are hundreds of parts, non are marked as they would have been supplied in marked bags so now its going to be a load of patience and time..
The model i think is supposed to be "The Star of India"
1934 Rolls-Royce Phantom II “Star of India”: Worthy of a Maharaji – Vintage Car Collector
Unfortunately i cant live with the colour so its going to be something else