OK, even though it seems I am very quiet I have actually been plugging away, step by step, steadily getting the paint to the final stages.
![IMG_0937[1].jpg IMG_0937[1].jpg](https://modelersalliance.org/data/attachments/128/128895-ee0d6775c543e8aea05f017ccf54dacb.jpg)
The ocean is about 85% done.
This has been a ball-breaker - no 2 ways about it. I knew it would be hard when I began but really had not properly gauged how hard to get the ocean colors and the U-Boat colors to tie together.
I still need to add pure white but this cannot be done until the blue has fully dried. I will be finishing up with the waves and the wash against the boat, as well as the very fine water texture.
Next will be the gloss transparent surfaces for the water on the U-boat and the ocean.
I then need to add some figures , weapons and the rigging.
The U-Boat still needs a little work but is very close to finishing.
The process started with a Tamiya airbrushed flat Blue, this was then overpainted by hand with Artist oil Thalio Blue.
I then went back over this with Thalio Blue + White, scaling back the blue. After this had dried I commenced a light over coat in selected areas using TB + WHITE+Burnt umber. Once this has dried the final update will be with pure Titanium white.
![IMG_0947[1].jpg IMG_0947[1].jpg](https://modelersalliance.org/data/attachments/128/128905-31ca2248724b4e2810f05f6b7cf16c09.jpg)

![IMG_0945[1].jpg IMG_0945[1].jpg](https://modelersalliance.org/data/attachments/128/128904-2dd94466a48a6fb2ffad69e62c744eba.jpg)