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Painting figures in acrylics?

Since you were bold enough to ask so publicly ...... yes give me your adress these paints are good and I will indeed " sling " you some samples. Also as you observed we dont have flesh tones. Most people prefer to mix their own so that would be a little uselss for us to spend the time develpoing those. Besides the military figures I have seen are wearing uniforms so there are several colors that would work well
Thanks for being bold ...... atleast now I know people are looking.

All joking aside Andy. Go ahead pm me your adress and I will send you some .
Hey Andy, when you get those paints I'd be interested in reading a review.
I placed an order for pigments and a visor and forgot the paints! :blush:
Well !, thats a first usually my boldness has always got me into trouble :woohoo: :laugh:

Actually, modelguru, I did post that in jest but if you are ok with it Id like to try them out

I shall send a PM forthwith :)

Your order has been sent it went in the post this morning. I included some extra goodies for you at no cost......... Judging from your order this is probally for the Charlie dont surf build. Enjoy.
On another note we will be introducing some plaster and resin building structures soon.
So keep your eues peeled.

Andy .
You are my new hero . Bro I sat here and laughed my but off at your original post the other night ...... with your boldness if we lived closer Im sure we would be fast friends.
I am going to send you a package the end of the week........ a handful of colors and some of our thinner/fivative. You are quite the character ....... keep us all laughing.
modelguru wrote:
Your order has been sent it went in the post this morning. I included some extra goodies for you at no cost......... Judging from your order this is probally for the Charlie dont surf build. Enjoy.
On another note we will be introducing some plaster and resin building structures soon.
So keep your eues peeled.

Andy .
You are my new hero . Bro I sat here and laughed my but off at your original post the other night ...... with your boldness if we lived closer Im sure we would be fast friends.
I am going to send you a package the end of the week........ a handful of colors and some of our thinner/fivative. You are quite the character ....... keep us all laughing.

Well hey, I thank you in advance. Very kind of you.

Yes it's for the "Charlie don't Surf" GB.
AWESOME! :dude
Andy .
You are my new hero . Bro I sat here and laughed my but off at your original post the other night ...... with your boldness if we lived closer Im sure we would be fast friends.
I am going to send you a package the end of the week........ a handful of colors and some of our thinner/fivative. You are quite the character ....... keep us all laughing.

What a nice thing to say :cheer: thank you !!

Well in that case I`d also like to test some pigments, an air compressor, airbrush, tweezers,,...........

:D :drink :gogo
you can test the compressor for $149.00 plus shipping and the pigments will be $5.00 a bottle ......... the total will depend on how much you wana test .....LOL.
We are getten ready to start releasing some structures in 1/35 scale soon ........ the first one is a building facade of a middle eastern structure with a roll up style garage door . They are all resin and plaster . I just finished the master for that one and will be in production by the end of the week . Keep your eyes open for it ...... it would go well with figures .
Ive got a small lump on the back of my head ! it happened when I passed out as soon as you mentioned $149.00

Ugh Ive gone all queazy again,..
I didnt forget about the figure we talked about a while back. I just wanted to know if it will work for you , if so i will send it. And The paints at the same time.
Also how is the bump on your head ? LOL.
Here is an image of the figure.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before Andy was modeling womens' clothing!
Now I know why some of his "paints" were from Revlon.
All kidding aside, Andy was kind enough to take the time to instuct me on the proper way of painting skin tones with acrylics during a personal tutorial last week. Now, I'm going to have to give it a shot. I hope I don't let him down.

Peace and Love,
Hi Modelguru yes indeed it would work,.... wow thank you !!!!

Randy mate youll never let me down when painting practise practise is my advise :)
modelguru wrote:
Your order has been sent it went in the post this morning. I included some extra goodies for you at no cost......... Judging from your order this is probally for the Charlie dont surf build. Enjoy.
On another note we will be introducing some plaster and resin building structures soon.
So keep your eues peeled.

I just got the order this morning.
Awesome, thank you so much.
I sent you a PM about the visor.
This is cool, will work with them this weekend.
Thanks again.

Black sheep sent you a pm ......... also let me know how you like the paints .

Andy I am putting a package in the post tomorrow for you it has the samples that you wanted me to "sling" sorry I just cant resist gettin in a good jab .....you know I am not gona let you live that down. LOL LOL. Also the figure is in the package as well.
Let me know how you like the paint . I want to see the figure when you are done .
I have a little something new coming soon that may be right up your alley so to speak
Hiya, Hey thankyou Mr Guru for sorting all that out, oh dont worry Im used to all of this,..
as the saying goes

You reap what you sow !!! :D

Thankyou once again

Oooohh something new huh ?
Oooohh up my alley huh ?

Cant wait !! :woohoo:
I'd say I'm shocked and appalled, but I'd be lying.
You know what they call women who do what you've just done. Well, let's just say they usually conduct their business in houses and split the profits with a madam.
Not that I'd know anything about that age-old business. I heard about it from some guys at work. Yeah, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. lol