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monogram 57 chevy nomad ........ finally finished


Active member
well with the 24 coming to a close i have decided i am close enough that i can begin my next project.

for this i am going to go back to my early building days. when car models were built as replicas of the high gloss, chrome loaded subjects of the magazine "hot rod magazine".

i purchased this kit two years ago with every intent this would be a "magazine" type of show car. it is the monogram 1/24 '57 chevy nomad. i want this to be a special type of build. hopefully i can succeed.

first up is the kit.



upon opening the box i found four sprues of red injection, one car body (no trying to piece this one together), one clear sprue, one full glass piece (that will be interesting), and one set of goodyear (yes thats right, goodyear) tires.





ok this will have to be dealt with. not so much on the top of the chasis but definitely on the lower.




now where do i start?

well how about here.............


more to come my friends. more to come.............

Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad day one update

thanks for tagging along mp.

well we are off and running with this.

yesterday was day one of this project. i am on vacation this week so i am getting some decent bench time in.

yesterday was a continuation of the night before. i spent quite a bit of time cleaning up the parts that make up the engine and the transmission. bout six hours. lots of flash and in the case of the fan, much much too thick. here let me show you.

the fan. before.....


and then after about an hour of sanding and cleaning up.


the only other thing i did with the fan was add the four bolt heads shown in my ref pics.

i then went through the paint process for the engine parts. when that was done and somewhat dry (always seem to try to rush things) i assembled the engine.






the primer is rustoleum flat white and flat black, then rustoleum gloss black for those parts that were going to get alclad. i used aluminum, chrome, and polished aluminum for the alclads. the shine did not come out the way i expected but i really think it gave it some character. the red is rustoleum gloss sunrise red.

still some things to look at and maybe add to this. wires and such. dont want to screw this up though.

while i was trying to wait for this to dry i cleaned up the body and hood. i cut out the opening in the hood. cleaned that up. then i primered and painted the body and hood. i used rustoleum flat white for the primer. went on pretty smooth and other than me being somewhat clumbsy with it, it worked pretty well. i did have to shoot 3 coats to get a somewhat decent coverage though. mixed it pretty thin. would rather go that way than too thick.




as you can see even after the three coats we still have an interesting shade of pink. when it was ready (after some sanding to fix a few issues) i turned to rustoleum gloss sunrise red. at least i know what color they used for the plastic. dang it looks close. i shot my first coat then i let it dry overnight.



and that is where i start today. first up will be sanding blemishes on the body and hood. then i will look to shoot another coat on them. and that is how we shall proceed.

comments, critiques, and criticisms are encouraged.

Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad day one update

:popcorn Does the rustoleum effect the plastic at all?
Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad day one update

not that i have noticed. i have been using rustoleum for several years and have had to strip and repaint on some occasions. no issues from what i can see.

Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad day two update

and now for a day two update.

today was time for the body shop and paint booth to be busy.

it started with sanding some of the more obvious blemishes. then a second coat of red. after that it looked decent so i let it sit for a few hours. when i got back to her the trim was masked and then sprayed gloss black and polished alum. i brush painted the door handles and dry brushed the molded on trim.







tommorow will be a short bench period as i am at the office.

comments, critiques, and criticisms are encouraged.

Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad day two update

That body came out looking pretty dang good. Can never have to much chrome.
Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad day two update

Looking good!

I remember in my younger years building a yellow nomad from Monogram!
Brings back fond memories!
Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad update.......3/22

oh sooooo close now.

todays update will be the last of the construction updates.

i have spent about 30 hours to this point over the course of the last eight days.  now i am down to 3 sub assemblies and a few assorted finishing parts.  i am down to the body, the interior, and the chasis.


some of the up close shots.

the engine in place.  decided to go without wiring.  i dont want to screw it up.



the interior shot of the dash.  sorry only pic i took of the interior.


i do see the seam on the bottom of the shifter.  but then again on my s-10, similar shifter and there was a seam on the rear of it.

and finally the body with some of the "chrome" and the glass.



so provided i get to the bench tomorow i should finish this in another hour or so of construction.  

comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad ........ this hurts

mp thanks but.................

sadly i have had a setback. i was taking it to get the finished pictures and tripped going down the stairs. the nomad ended up against the wall. there is no major damage but there is damage. i will have to do some repair work. i am just sick when i look at it so that will be a week or so down the road. or longer if need be.

we shall see .............................

Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad ........ this hurts

thanks for the good thoughts.

might look at this again next week.


Re: monogram 57 chevy nomad ........ this hurts

Just step back, take a deep breath, and take care of the repair work. It looked great up to this point. I have the version with the Gas Station cutouts and I decided to do mine without the Hi-rise manifold for the induction system. I'm not sure, but I may end up doing mine in a Blue/WWhite paint scheme, but then I'm not sure. I hope things are ablr to get done.
