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Mighty Mo, BB-63 Finished


A picture of USS Missouri taken at her Pearl Harbor berth taken 30 April 2024. In the foreground is Donna Karolus. The teak deck looks like it hasn't seen a holystone in quite a while. Your slightly smaller BB-63 is coming along nicely indeed!!
Mark and Donna are enjoying the hospitality of the curators of the Pearl Harbor Museums. Since Mark is a big wheel at the Wisconasin Maritime Museum, lots of perks have come their way. Free Battleship tickets, banana smoothies at the Dole plantation. The tropical spring climate seems to agree with my friends from The North. If he is invited to join Amakua (Hawaiian Guardians) that would be an honor, indeed.

He is vexed by Oahu traffic. Hawaiians get in their cars and motor about leisurely. As islanders, they truly have no where to go.
I don't know if the Gunny still rents his noisy motorbikes outside the Pearl Harbor Naval base gate, or I would have tipped Mark off.
I tricked out a couple of little boats. Figuring out the wording to find a reference for the launch boat took some time! It kept wanting to show me Navy ships being launched! I made the parts for the launch boat from scratch and the cutters parts are AM PE. I made a teeny propeller and you can almost see it. That is a .5mm bit in the mini pin vise. I will probably put a small piece of square brass rod along the edge of the motor cover so it looks more flat.
Looking really nice Greg.

When it comes to CA, I usually run back over my CA’d parts with some debonder on a micro-brush to clean up any excess glue that isn’t bonding the parts together. This helps take away the pressure of trying not to get too much CA all over.

Maybe that will help?
It was the boats that bamfusaled my Graf Spee build years ago. Really nice touch Greg, would the last one have a wheel or tiller?
It was the boats that bamfusaled my Graf Spee build years ago. Really nice touch Greg, would the last one have a wheel or tiller?
Thanks! The pictures show a wheel on a little pedestal thimg sort of like I tried to make. The little boats have a tiller.

On a similar subject, @Rhino , what is this called so I can find reference photos?
That is my early Cummins-powered 1/350 USCG 41-foot utility boat. I sent it for you to have fun with.
Reference pictures. :hmm:
This late Caterpillar-powered 41 UTB is the gate guardian at USCG Station Destin Island, Florida.
Hey guys, I have a question I cannot find an answer to. In the photo of a boat being lowered I have circled in red a section of ropes with knots tied at intervals. Are those roped left attached at the top and secured at the bottom when not in use, or are the taken down and put up as needed?
I honestly don't know what those ropes are called. They appear permanent.
Thanks Chris! Noing nothing that is how I was going to do them, attached and secured.

I have finished the little boats I think. I really like the 40' personnel boat.
The utility boat turned out OK...

And the teeny whale boats are also OK. Not much you can do to make gray look good.

The davits are in progress. I may add hydraulic pistons at the sides if I find small enough parts. The "pulleys" are made from .01" metal sheet punched with Micro Mark's mini punch set. (Good investment if you don't have one in you tool box). The triangle pieces are from very thin brass shim and but out with scissors. The side pulley arms are made from .017 x .6" brass strip, bent with photoetch pliers.


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I know a guy that sells 1/350 decals for small boats, if you look for more precise boat markings.
I know a guy that sells 1/350 decals for small boats, if you look for more precise boat markings.