Master at Arms
Thanks Mike and Laurence
I agree... No pain no gain. It means a lot, specially coming from someone gutsy enough to tackle a Bismarck 1:200 (maybe next you will build a Tirpitz 1:5?)
I love strange, commemorative decals. In this case, I look for some oddities in the air magazines, air Shows etc. Always something strange to build.
I appreciate your Support.
Appreciate that Alex

I can only speak from my limited experience as a modeler. I made more mistakes than most. On the Bismarck, I got the deck color wrong twice, I lost a piece that's going to be a $%^&*# to scratch, made mistakes with the painting and so on. I know what I have to do so I don't make the same mistake twice, valuable lesson.
1:5 Tirpitz? naaah ... boring. Now a 1:5 diorama of the Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjord, now you're talking
First things first, I need to win the lottery, buy a hangar, then I'll start that dio
