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I may have to try & incorporate this desert scheme onto one. Only one color I know, but still looks really neat to me


The photography is playing tricks on you. This is their normal air superiority scheme on the Ukrainian MiG-29 9-12.



Again thanks Sharky/Saul! I may yet go with that Ukranian scheme, just waiting to see what shows up in da' mail
Ok so I have been working on this, but work and life in general have really kept me from posting. At any rate, here is the latest:
So Saul/AKA Sharkmouth/AKA Super-cool kindly provided some decals, but the really did not fit the provided panel. I think this is due to the kit and not Saul, likely a reason why they never included them to begin with! I fitted them best I could, and with a judicious bit of jiggling got the in the plane:

Saul. I am sorry if the surgery performed on the decal offends. I have to note that, thanks to you, it looks a heckuva lot better than just painting the dang thing black as I had originally intended to do!
So I had a ‘Beautiful’ two days to get some work done (NOT, here is the view off the from porch, which was a balmy 41 degrees F/5 degrees C and raining)

But I am so hard-headed I had to get some paint on it (this was Tuesday). Here she is all cued up

Aaaand HERE is what happens when you drop the cup of paint and it splashes a handful of Green RIGHT on the model, deas center and one wing! I had to do some serious wiping to get most of that off. Goofed everything up so I have to peel tape, see where I need to go, and start over Ahhhhhhhh BOOGER!

So after about 2-3 days of sanding I got back on it…this Mig-29 will not get this Westerner down! I FINALLY got the thing painted & touched up where I had transferred green from the big splash, THEN realized I had left off two spots on the rear leading edge elevators and the engine area, so I put “just a little” tape on it.
Mig? What Mig?

And here is the result after pulling off the tape. I still have some touch up, wear, decals and final assembly, but not looking too bad for a $5 model!

This has had a setback or two but I have to say has not been bad. Next up is post shading!
Bruce, if you are building and enjoying, why would I be offended! I gave them to you to use.

I finally caught up with this Bruce. Very nice work on this little plane. Thanks for the memories; I built one of these a couple decades ago too and had a blast. Keep going, that camouflage pattern is amazing! Way to go!
Ok so jere she is, decal'd and ready to be fed to the nearest F-15 Eagle! :lol:

I am calling this one complete - I still have a hair of touch-up yp do, but am going to be chained to the workdesk for the next two weeks minimum. The post shading I admit was my first attempt at this, but overall, not too bad (and a real bag o' FUN!) for a 1st attempt on a $5 model!

Thanks to eveyone for your kind support in this!

Way to go Bruce! That looks sensational! Congrats on your first model of the year. I also love your new avatar!