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Marine SBD-1 1/48 Pushing Forward

Marine SBD-1 1/48 The Build Continues

Looking good. After looking at all these flying things I may have to do one .
Marine SBD-1 1/48 The Build Continues

We'll keep the lights on for you Joe, your making progress on your other project, so take your time, Bud :pilot
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Long Overdue Update

Wow ... has it really been two months since my last update on this?

I guess so.

Guess I should show what I have done huh?

Not much really, the interior is ready to go and the canopy is now firmly in place.

She is ready for paint.



Paint is next.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Marine SBD-1 1/48 Long Overdue Update

Super clean 'canvas' looking forward to the next installment.

Marine SBD-1 1/48 Long Overdue Update

Great looking job on that taping job, Joe, I'm :popcorn waiting for the paint ... (y)
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Moving Forward

Well my friends here I am again.

After a bit of rough sailing with the paint I can update the work in progress. The painting process was: Flat Black overall. Model Master Aluminium Plate on specific panels, Model Master Neutral Gray sprayed in a very random pattern, The same sprayed concentrating on the panels. The look is very subtle but should be picked out ok with pin washes. There was an issue with a sandpaper like surface appearing after the initial spraying and the second spraying of the Gray. It was knocked down with 1000 grit sandpaper.


The engine was sprayed Gloss Black, Alclad Polished Aluminium, and then the crankcase drybrushed with Flat Gray, The "wires" were painted to instructions as Red (Empire Red).


Overall I am pretty happy with the results although the rough texture was a confusing situation. Still no idea of what it was or why it happened.

Next up is application of decals. At that point for the most part this build will go dark. I will post one photo of the finish but I am trying to determine if this will be written up or not.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.
