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Marine SBD-1 1/48 Pushing Forward

Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color

Coming right along Joe ... I think this is the first one you haven't scraped the inside ribs out of it ... looks like it's OOB almost ... :popcorn

Actually Gerry, I think this is his 2nd 1. I seem ta recall a P-39? that was purty much oob a few yrs ago...

You've known Joe longer than Me ... Ed ... My only experience with Him was the ill-fated (MBI) turned into a FB thing ... I really don't like FB so I'm Here ... as for the Interior green ... Looks good Joe ... after my 1st Job in electronics (back before the War) Making Chassis ... We anodized everything to pre-vent Corrosion ... the different colors are just because different chemicals were used ... Our chassis were Chrome yellow I think ... Interior green is from using Zinc chromate I would suppose ... I could be wrong though ... :eek:ldguy (y) :pilot
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color Change

Neither choice would have been incorrect...I've seen pics of both...so you can't go wrong Joe ;)

True. When I did my SBD-1 as a pre-war Yellow wing trainer, the interior was Aluminum and the latter SBDs were interior green or Zinc Chromate Green.
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color Change

I sat and stared at this last night and find that I am really struggling with this color thing. I am just not sure anymore. I had someone on another site state that up to Pearl Harbor the interiors on these birds were Aluminium but Like I said I did find pictures of one with the original Interior Green. Like I said, struggling.

Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color Change

I sat and stared at this last night and find that I am really struggling with this color thing. I am just not sure anymore. I had someone on another site state that up to Pearl Harbor the interiors on these birds were Aluminium but Like I said I did find pictures of one with the original Interior Green. Like I said, struggling.


Joe, I think that if it had Yellow wings the interior was Aluminum and after they started painting the fuselage, the interior may have changed at that time. I know that the -2s were also a mix of Green & aluminum. Like you, I did alot of research on my SBD-1 build & it's difficult to say with all accuracy of when they changed.
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color Change


Obviously like Ed says-- there would've been a switchover from bright pre-war colors to camo colors in wartime-- but obviously on Dec. 7th, we weren't quite at war yet. That being said, the SBDs were overall gray-- which means that for sure, they were switching to camo and transitioning from the lacquer to the interior green inside...I imagine some weren't quite there yet, but some easily could've been-- take heart and trust me when I say that either would be accurate-- go ahead and move ahead with the build knowing that it looks great and is accurate.

Going with the interior green when you have the colorful NMF and yellow wing scheme for pre-war would definitely be wrong-- but this really is not....
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color Change

I sat and stared at this last night and find that I am really struggling with this color thing. I am just not sure anymore. I had someone on another site state that up to Pearl Harbor the interiors on these birds were Aluminium but Like I said I did find pictures of one with the original Interior Green. Like I said, struggling.


Hey Joe, I seem to run into color issues frequently and it seems to be that no one seems to the a definitive answer to these things. In the end, I usually wind up with two possibilities ......
At that time, the decision wind up being which would I rather do :idonno

You also have to take into the mix that even though some standards were adopted they might not have had the time or material to comply with it.

Surely , you realise that in the end it has to go out the door wether it is 100% the way it was requestedor not.

Just spin the bottle and see where it stops :frantic

Cheers, Christian B)
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color Change

In September 1943, US Navy specified a Zinc Chromate and Lamp Black mixture to a colour standard, which became a standard ANA 611 Interior Green. The instruction was an after-the-fact attempt to standardize a variety of greens being used to paint crew areas.

In the immediate pre-war period, many Navy aircraft, e.g. F2A, F4F, SBD, TBD show silver cockpits in photos, most probably Aluminium lacquer. Sometimes, silver cockpits were carried over to the initial weeks of the conflict.

Later US Navy aircraft of the World War II had the interiors painted in Interior Green. Interior Green was initially a Navy colour and when the ANA series of paints was adopted in 1943 the colour agreed upon for tinted zinc chromate was Interior Green.

Also in general, naval aircraft of the period had their undercarriage and wheel bays painted the same colour as the bottom of the aircraft.

In the later part of 1944, the Navy issued modified paint specifications for cockpit interiors. The new specification called out for instrument panels to be painted black together with all side consoles and sidewall surfaces above the bottom edge of the instrument panel. Cockpit surfaces below that line were to the painted Interior Green.

On the other hand, Interior Green was almost never used for the inside of engine cowlings of WW2 Navy aircraft. The most popular shades in this area are believed to be Non-Specular Light Grey or Black. However, Interior Green was standardised upon after the war.

Like with all regulations and practices you can expect to find exceptions

Douglas SBD Dauntless

In production from mid-1939 to1944, the SBD was another long-runner in the US Navy inventory. Not much appears to be known for certain about its interior finishes. Some sources state the SBD-1s most probably had Aluminium lacquer interiors, while others claim some Mixed Green/Interior Green with Zinc Chromate for the remaining airframe. Camouflaged mid-production SBD-2 through SBD-5 series almost certainly had Interior Green cockpits.

In common with the general Navy practice the wheel bays, undercarriage legs and wheel hubs were finished in the lower surface colour.

The dive flap bays and inner surfaces were painted Insignia Red, giving the effect of high contrast indicator when the flaps were deployed. However, the centre dive flap and its bay interior was finished in Aluminium lacquer.

Does this help?
Marine SBD-1 1/48 Interior Color Change

Thank you all for the responses. At the moment I am struggling with both builds and the paint, or lack of, on the interior. Not sure to be honest why I am getting so hung up on this but I am. At this point I am thinking about just moving forward. I want this build to be a nice, easy, smooth build. I am finding that the more I want that the more I find myself digging into the research and finding information that makes it more difficult to have that nice, easy, smooth build.

Marine SBD-1 1/48 A Bit of Chipping

Well I am choosing to move forward on this one.

Detail painting as well as some chipping. I know it might be overdone a bit but I did try to keep it light.


Next will be to close up the fuselage.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Marine SBD-1 1/48 A Bit of Chipping

Looks real good thar Joe! Does not look overly done to me. Altho, it do look used (y) (y) Gladta see you moving foreward on this :drinks :drinks
Marine SBD-1 1/48 The Build Continues

A quick update showing the fuselage together, the wings on, and the tail feathers attached.

I am really impressed with the fit and the clean attachment of the wings and tail feathers.


Not much for seams at all. Now to sand them out and get the little bits on.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Marine SBD-1 1/48 The Build Continues

:drinks Lookin' good! (y) That's what I like about the AccMin kits. They button up nicely :drinks
Marine SBD-1 1/48 The Build Continues

You're tempting me to bring mine on to the bench, Joe...

Marine SBD-1 1/48 The Build Continues

Hummm that looks familiar .... Think I've seen the innards of this before .... Excellent job Joe ... :woohoo: (y)