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Making a Flying Suitcase

So, did you pack your suitcase and leave town ? :D

Nope, that will happen mid April :S

Sorry for the lack ( total ) of bench time . I have been hijacked to a more pressing project by the commander :bang head


Hard wood went down today and it's my house, so I can't run away :blush:

Not the only thing either , so it'll be a bit before I get back to it.

Looking at the references from James , it might be a good thing :coolio Thanks James :good:

Cheers, Christian B)

I had a feeling that was going to happen after the kitchen remodel. :laugh: Looking forward to the AFTER pictures. :good:
You know what's funny, once you do this she's going to buy a bunch of rugs to go over the hardwood :rotf

Happened to me once, came home to find the old wall to wall carpet hanging out one of the windows, old school shag carpet, you know it's going to come back in style one day! :rotf
Thanks Warren ! Actually , my down time from remodeling is being spent in trying to make some different arrangements in the modeling room .
I feel like I'm in a sardine can right now :eek:ldguy

Cheers, Christian B)
Good lucky , Chris!...hope to see you modelling soon :eek:ldguy


Thanks Luiz . I hope so myself . Getting too old to enjoy this all that much . . . anymore .

I bet you're familiar with the old saying " if Mama ain't happy no . . . . "

Cheers, Christian B)
So, did you pack your suitcase and leave town ? :D

Nope, that will happen mid April :S

Sorry for the lack ( total ) of bench time . I have been hijacked to a more pressing project by the commander :bang head


Hard wood went down today and it's my house, so I can't run away

Not the only thing either , so it'll be a bit before I get back to it.

Mike we wanted to do that all along so it was inevitable :rotf

It's a pity we were not able to do it all at the same time .

Cheers, Christian B)
You know what's funny, once you do this she's going to buy a bunch of rugs to go over the hardwood :rotf

Happened to me once, came home to find the old wall to wall carpet hanging out one of the windows, old school shag carpet, you know it's going to come back in style one day! :rotf

Bob, you have grossly under estimated my wife .

At least one new rug and living room furniture are waiting for the room to be done .

Surprisingly she's OK with the wall color but the drapes are still being contemplated ( :rotf ) . We'll figure that one out when we get some of these things all in one place .

By the way, if I found the wall to wall carpet hanging out of the window when I came home some times, I would call that a good day :popcorn

Cheers, Christian B)
So, did you pack your suitcase and leave town ? :D

Nope, that will happen mid April :S

Sorry for the lack ( total ) of bench time . I have been hijacked to a more pressing project by the commander :bang head


Hard wood went down today and it's my house, so I can't run away

Not the only thing either , so it'll be a bit before I get back to it.

Mike we wanted to do that all along so it was inevitable :rotf

It's a pity we were not able to do it all at the same time .

Cheers, Christian B)

Small update on the residence . We are much further than this, but it's the last picture taken.

Looking for drapes tonight and awaiting furniture at this point .

Thanks James . Can't take credit for the woodwork as I did not do that part.

I should have been back at the bench a couple of weeks ago but old age seem to have gotten in the way .

With a case of gout in one of my feet and my back getting out of wack has kept me from being in the mood :S

A couple days ago, I was trying to get in the mood but this PZL P.11 kept calling my name .

This is the venerable Revell kit which has already been heavily modified some years back .

Anyhow, I wanted a more correct color on the cowl ring . and some changes on the upper wing .



Anyhow, this seems to have gotten the juices flowing :good:

The next day, I installed the wheel wells in the Hampden .


These could not be clamped down as they warped the wing . I sealed the sides in place and painted the glue black to keep any daylight from showing.

Next, I made up some ribs as this part of the wing is subject to flexing which would break the glue joints latter.


The wings were scribed but really did not need much as they are very nicely detailed.

Unfortunately, the assembly of the upper and lower halves was way more difficult than expected .
My best efforts could not line everything up and they wound up with mismatched ends


That should make for some interesting gaps latter . :sick:

Next, I peeked inside the fuselage and decided these pin marks needed to be machined out .


Well, that's all for now. Might have some time tomorrow after the drapes are hung :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)
Hope you said a little prayer for me in your Bikers Sunday School class :rotf (y)

Don't wait till later, go ahead and fill them now, it's easier to take away material to fit instead of adding material to fill.
Hope you said a little prayer for me in your Bikers Sunday School class :rotf (y)

Don't wait till later, go ahead and fill them now, it's easier to take away material to fit instead of adding material to fill.

Actually , the stuck out Bob so I just ground them flush :)

Been taken care off Bob :good:

Cheers, Christian B)
Very cool Chris!...btw , very nice work in your house... :D


Thank Luiz . Actually it's was more about being clean . Carpeting holds in so much dirt no matter how often you clean it.

I'll take nice though since I really like the natural beauty of wood.

Didn't get the drapes up since we had to order the ones for the living room :( but the bedrooms are done :rotf

I'm ready to have my house back :frantic

Cheers, Christian B)
Ahh, progress ! (y) When you get your sardine can modeling space rearranged does that mean you will give up tinkering in microscale and build some man sized planes ? :laugh: