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Maddog Aircraft Manufacturing 2013 Production Line

Well, it's the day after Hobby Day and I got a lot done yesterday and today. Most of what I did at Hobby Day was to build some simple and easy kits to kind of "cleanse the system" so to speak. Today, I shot paint and clearcoat on anything that needed it and was ready for it.

This my aircraft progress since yesterday.

At Hobby Day, I started an ancient Airfix kit, the 1/72 scale HS 165 Dominie. This aircraft is used by the RAF for navigation training. It was also an early post-war airliner both here and in Britain, so of anyone knows of some aftermarket airliner decals in 1/72 scale, I'd be happy to put them on this plane.

Here is where I was after a couple hours:


Now, my IPMS club in Orange County has decided to do a Group Build of 1/72 scale P-51 Mustangs and at least seven of us so far are building Mustangs to send to the Nationals for the Collections/Group Builds category.

While the Domninie was drying, I pulled out my three P-51 Mustangs that I'd been working on and got them all assembled almost to the same stage. Here they are, all ready for paint:


Later on at home today, I shot paint on all three of these for the basecoat. You can see that two of them are still wet in places:


While painting, I shot some gloss white on the little Cessna 172 floatplane as well. I do have to reshoot the floats since they got messed up, but other wise this bird is ready for the decals. I'm thinking I'm going to apply then before adding the floats:


And finally, I shot another basecoat on to the Valiant. It ain't the best, but it's gonna have to do. I start the camouflage pattern next:


Well, that's all I got done so far this weekend. Maybe I'll get some more progress done on some of these tomorrow. Feel free to check out my Thread in the Armored Fury Forum to see what I also did on armor while these were drying. Meanwhile, thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome!
Just a real small update here. All I was able to do was finish up the final details on the A-109KM Agusta helicopter and then remove all the window masking. I also opened the main cabin door on one side:



I was going to declare it done since I'd lost the box holding the weapons parts; but then I found it after all. Now the finished pics of that helicopter are in the Aircraft Forums. Feel free to check it out here in Wesendorf Field.

Hopefully more to come later. Meanwhile, thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Once again I've had a pretty good Hobby Day weekend, despite the fact that allergies hit me full force on Saturday. I was still able to get some good progress done, including a couple models I started this weekend.

All of these aircraft are new models I started. Some were started due to having boxes that were falling apart. Another one was a P-51 Red Tails model kit I found that I wanted to do for my club's IPMS Nationals Mustang collection. Okay, now to show you what I got done.

On the P-51 model kit, I got the cockpit completed. Later I painted it, but didn't get the pics taken of the painted 'pit:


The next kit I started was an ancient USAirfix Henschel scout plane kit. I got the engine assembled, the cockpit assembled and the fuselage closed up. Then I added the landing gear to this to allow it to sit better. Then I sanded the seams and added filler where it was needed:


The third aircraft I started was an old A-Model kit of the Yak-28 heavy Interceptor. This is a tough model to build, it is a short run kit so it is like the ACE kit of aircraft. I built the cockpit, then installed it inside the fuselage, then assembled the nose cone (it was in two halves!) and added it to the fuselage. Then I added the tail to it. I filled the numerous seams and gaps with Mr. Surfacer 500:


When dry, I sanded them down, re-filled them and sanded, re-filled them and sanded again. Then I added the canopy to the cockpit. Finally, I think I have this all filled and smooth enough to move on:


Note: The wings are not assembled on this yet. I just snapped them into place to keep the fuselage from rolling over so I could take the pics.

And finally, the fourth aircraft I started was an old Airfix CH-53G model that I'm going to put German markings on. I started, naturally, with the cockpit:


Next I painted the cockpit and added the instrument panel decals:


Here is the whole interior installed on one side of the fuselage:


Then I realized, that this had pilots in the kit. I thought, 'what the hey...' and painted them, up and placed them in their seats:


Here is the main fuselage all closed up with the main canopy installed. That way, I don't lose it!


Okay, that's all that I have for this week, maybe I'll start getting some of these finished soon.

Meanwhile, stay tuned and thanks for looking in; comments are welcome.
Wow, I finally managed to get my PC back into running order so I can go on and post some of the progress I've done over the last two months. I haven't gotten as much done as I wanted to since I now have a new kitten that I have to keep locked away from my other cat for awhile. My Hobby Room is that place. I can't get much done with the little guy always trying to play, so most all my work is done at Hobby Day now. Boy it sure feels good to finally be able to show my work again.

Okay, I'll start with some of the models I was working on while my PC was acting up.

This is the HH3C helicopter I'm building. I got all the seams and dimples filled in and sanded down in this pic. I just need to mask the canopy and windows; then check it over before I go ahead and paint it:


Next is my little Cessna 172 floatplane. I tried to put the decals on it, and only managed to get these on:


The larger ones ended up like this, and as I didn't want to play jigsaw puzzle with these, I have come to an impasse while I try to figure out what I can do to finish this in a scheme that matches what is currently on the model:


Moving right along, I applied the first of the decals to my little Henschel scout plane. These are the dive bombing guides for this little plane:



Yes, these decals did silver quite a bit, but a little application of some Micro-Sol and they went down fine. Here it is showing the decals and the painted cowl. The Guy in Back isn't glued in yet:


Now on to my Yak 28. This is a tough little model, but I'm slowly coaxing it into shape. First thing I did was to add the engine nacelles to the wings:


Then I filled the seams and gaps with Mr. Surfacer 500 and let it dry. There were a lot of seams and gaps to fill! here it is with the wings dry-fit to the fuselage:


About a day or two later, I was finally pretty satisfied with the final smoothness and went ahead and cemented on the wings and tailplanes:


Yes, there are two horizontal stabilizers on the tail. The angle in this pic is such that the far one is completely hidden behind the tail.

Well, that's if for the aircraft so far, feel free to check out my armor progress in the Armoured Fury Forums. Meanwhile, comments are welcome; thanks for looking in.
Good work Duke. What kit is that Yak-28? Got's to get me one because that is just a cool lookin' plane!
Thanks Adam! That Yak-28 is the A-Model kit in 1/72 scale. I got it for five bucks at a local show sometime last year.
Well, here's a small update for everyone. I spent a good two days working on these models.

First off, not much got done on the Yak 28. I sealed the seams at the wing roots and then sanded them smooth. Next I'm going to mask the canopy and then shoot it in silver to check sanding:


Next I got all the decals on the Henschel Hs 126. Now I can finally assemble this thing:


While I was decaling; I also added decals to this P-51 Mustang for the IPMS Orange County Mustang Collection for the Nationals. Now to finish off this one:


That's all the update I have in aircraft for now. I also got some progress done on several armor models including the Dora. Feel free to check them out in Armored Fury. Hopefully I'll have more to show soon. Meanwhile, thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Wow, I finally was able to complete a couple models, while getting further progress done on others. The completed ones will be here in the Wesendorf Field, feel free to check them out.

I'll start with the aircraft I did make progress on. This first one is the German CH-53G that finally has a basecoat of dark green. I'll see whether it had a camo pattern on it; if not, I'll be clearcoating this and decaling it before I move on to the finishing touches:


Next is the Yak 28. I shot a basecoat of Tamiya Bare Metal Silver from a rattle can to see where I still need to improve the finish. I see a couple places:


Feel free to check out my armor progress in Armored Fury if you'd like....

Okay, that's all the progress I have to show for this week; feel free to check out my finished aircraft. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
Well, I managed to get a little more bench time in this week, so I got to work on some more of my small models; as well as some others which have been neglected of late.

Here's my aircraft. It ain't much but that's because I was also working on a lot of armor. The little Cessna 172 floatplane is still giving me fits. I had to strip off the paint on the floats since every time I sprayed them, the paint wrinkled up. I just got fed up and stripped them down to bare plastic and then re-shot the tops:


Later I'll re-shoot the bottoms.

I also painted some blue on the nose and across the sides of this plane to give it some color since the decals shattered. I also had to touch up some of the white as well. I'll be shooting a coat of clear on this later:


Now I need to find a red decal or pinstripe to add to the side of this to somewhat match the tail. I might even add some kind of artwork to the tail.

Speaking of clear, I shot a coat of clear on the DC-6 as well. I didn't take any pics because ...well, it looks the same as the last time I shot color on it! LOL! ~12 I should be able to start decaling this soon.

Finally, after spending what felt like a week sanding and filling and sanding and sanding and sanding.... I finally got this Yak coated with a coat of silver that I'm happy with. It has also been clear-coated so I'll be able to start adding decals to this one too.



And that completes my update for these past three days. It ain't much, but I'm trying to improve a little while still having fun. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to get some paint and decals done on some of these.

Until then, thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
That Yak is great, so futuristic looking.

Mark why don't you get that yellow decal off and get some dry transfers for the A/C registration. It really sticks out bud.
Thanks MP. That Yak does look ahead of it's time, considering it was the main interceptor used by the Russians in the 1950's and 60's.

I was going to place the Cessna in the sun to bleach out the yellow in the decal. I may have to resort to removing it though. I am finding it tough to find dry transfers with the right size and font for this; so many of the models I have going are starting to need aftermarket items that I can't afford to get right now. I've been utilizing the available resources I have that are free to the best of my ability, but there's some things I can't do. That's one reason why I'm reluctant to remove that right now.
Ever looked into doing your own decals? Laser or Inkjet printers do well. I like the laser printers better. Look at the Railroad hobby for dry transfers, they seem to have more options on lettering.