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Let it Snow

Okay so winter has arrived. should be about 8 or 9 cm new snow by the time I have to hit the road to Edmonton Sunday morning. Yuck. Snow, left over drunk drivers and 0400 driving in the dark. Not looking forward to this.

Will try and get some pics as we go.
One more, the side street after a couple of days of traffic. Hope it helps.


need my sunglasses. I can remember in ND that after a couple of days of sun and freezing, that top layer would be solid enough to walk on. Brrrr man!!

James is probably out there in Bermudas and a Tropical Shirt. :rotf
One more, the side street after a couple of days of traffic. Hope it helps.



Damn! A sheet of ice- I saw my first and so far only frozen pond in 92 when I briefly lived in Indianapolis. Like a southern boy I had to walk across the thing though no one local would touch it.

We had our first overnight in the mid 20's this AM, same for tomorrow- a mild winter so far- for us.
I've used baby powder for snow before with great results. You can see the pictures here https://www.modelersalliance.com/forum/ground-power/91449-135-trumpeter-rf-8-aerosan-wip

This time of year here in eastern Oregon we usually have 2 to 3 feet of snow and the temperature is about 30 for the high and anywhere from -20 to +10 for the low. This year though we have no snow and it has been about 50. Very odd
Almost tropical.

hate to see it heavy there James- tropical is 80 degrees F on Easter Sunday, common here. Way back in the 80's we had a sunny and hot Christmas. Some friends came around and we hung out on the beach chairs out back. Probably 82 F or near then- that Jan Temps climbed into the 90's. Of course this was in South Carolina in the area called the Pee Dee, its named after a swamp that covers a quarter of the state, in summer you could bottle the air down here.
Of course this was in South Carolina in the area called the Pee Dee, its named after a swamp that covers a quarter of the state, in summer you could bottle the air down here.

South Carolina, where asphalt has a liquid state. :woohoo:
Hi Adrian, this snow was done with baking soda applied in layers with a sifter and salt shaker...



Been to South Georgia during summer, no thanks. You do have the breeze from the mosquitoes wings to cool things off.

I think we may have jinxed winter, it's been mighty mild here this year.
Thanks for that Panzer hood! ^^^

the most snow we'll see this year will be on TV or here. 78 today in sunny south carolina. If it would just get some cold we would have snow- our warm winters are usually wet, this one's gonna hit this week.