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I ran across an American tool manufacturer from Oklahoma, at the Nat's and I was impressed with his product.

Meet Shaun Waldrop. Shawn at kirbytool.com makes a cool, slim magnetic knife handle to accommodate #11 hobby knife blades. I held the sample tool, removed and easily re-installed the sample #11 knife blade a couple of times. No twisting! Cool!
Many is the modeler, injured by having the knife roll of the bench and vertically penetrate vulnerable parts of their extremities. Feet, thighs, more private spots. YIKE! This precision knife handle is tubular. When I expressed my safety concerns, Mr. Waldrop sagely advised, "Put a metal wood screw in you bench. It's magnetic. It will stick to the wood screw!" I gave myself a silent "Duh" and bought one.
I resist change. I don't often try new paint or unfamiliar tools, air-brushes, etc. The tried and true for me every time.
Shaun assures me every #11 blade will fit his Precision Knife tool. So this morning I gave it a try.
I quit paying premium prices for small packs X-ACTO blades in 2011. I bought Excel blades in the 100 pack. I tried one. It wouldn't go in the Precision Knife handle. I measured it. .0205, No go. Bummer! I tried a scalpel blade. .0145 went right in, but needed modification to look right. I sent an email.
"Hey Shawn,
Chris (Rhino from Modeler's Alliance.) It might interest you to find that Excel #11 blades at 0.0205 do not fit your cool magnetic knife handle.
A lot of guys buy these in bulk rather than being scalped for a package of 5 #11 X-acto knife blades.
Surgical scalpel blades at 0.0145 do, but they must be ground down to be useful.
I will include these measurements in my Kirby tools M/A post.
Have a good one! "
Mr. Waldrop's response was super speedy!
"Hi Chris!
We size the slot for .021", (Shaun uses precise measurements too) and I just dropped in several straight from the box Excel blades. It could a slight burr on the leading edge of the jaws, which I apologize for but there is an easy fix. Scrape the backside of a blade along the corners of the collet.
Also it may help to start with the corner and then rotate the rest of tang into the slot. Once you get a blade in (any blade), carefully push of the blade side to side. Initially a little break-in may be necessary.
This user-side break-in is something we are actively working to eliminate, and we'll continue to improve on our deburring/tumbling, and final assembly QA to ensure the widest compatibility.
I'd never ask anyone doing a write-up to give anything but their honest take. But if you could note that you brought this to our attention and what our recommendations and plans for addressing this, we'd be so grateful!
On a side note, the Cap Holder-o-Matic is something I didn't know I needed! The instruction sheet is beyond hilarious
Thank you for reaching out and I hope your travels weren't too hectic."
I had another look. My findings:

"I shall include your comments and also your super-speedy response in my overview. I will comment that you are quite correct. The US made Excel blade at .0195 fits the Kirby knife the way you tell me it should. (Excel blades are marked with "USA") Not every Ship Guy has a digital caliper. I do.
A few (turds) less than precisely made .0205 Communist made # shiyi blades may have snuck into my supplies from the collection of a friend that passed away. Waste not, want not.
Stand Tall, American manufacturer! Your product works as advertised! My "article" will reflect these sentiments as well.
Cap-Holder-O-Matic is a premium for first-time TLAR Models customers. I LOVED Gallagher as a much younger child, and I rather shamelessly ripped-off his Sledge-A-Matic skit. If the instructions brought mirth, then I am successful! A more "serious businessman" might not give such a thing away. Enjoy!
You will find my very thorough, illustrated model kit instructions are written in the same vein.
When this hobby stops being fun, I will stop doing it.

If you decide to give the magnetic Kirby Tools Precision Knife a shot, use this discount code.
Your knife may never fall from your hobby bench again! It could save emergency room $$.

Meet Shaun Waldrop. Shawn at kirbytool.com makes a cool, slim magnetic knife handle to accommodate #11 hobby knife blades. I held the sample tool, removed and easily re-installed the sample #11 knife blade a couple of times. No twisting! Cool!
Many is the modeler, injured by having the knife roll of the bench and vertically penetrate vulnerable parts of their extremities. Feet, thighs, more private spots. YIKE! This precision knife handle is tubular. When I expressed my safety concerns, Mr. Waldrop sagely advised, "Put a metal wood screw in you bench. It's magnetic. It will stick to the wood screw!" I gave myself a silent "Duh" and bought one.
I resist change. I don't often try new paint or unfamiliar tools, air-brushes, etc. The tried and true for me every time.
Shaun assures me every #11 blade will fit his Precision Knife tool. So this morning I gave it a try.
I quit paying premium prices for small packs X-ACTO blades in 2011. I bought Excel blades in the 100 pack. I tried one. It wouldn't go in the Precision Knife handle. I measured it. .0205, No go. Bummer! I tried a scalpel blade. .0145 went right in, but needed modification to look right. I sent an email.
"Hey Shawn,
Chris (Rhino from Modeler's Alliance.) It might interest you to find that Excel #11 blades at 0.0205 do not fit your cool magnetic knife handle.
A lot of guys buy these in bulk rather than being scalped for a package of 5 #11 X-acto knife blades.
Surgical scalpel blades at 0.0145 do, but they must be ground down to be useful.
I will include these measurements in my Kirby tools M/A post.
Have a good one! "
Mr. Waldrop's response was super speedy!
"Hi Chris!
We size the slot for .021", (Shaun uses precise measurements too) and I just dropped in several straight from the box Excel blades. It could a slight burr on the leading edge of the jaws, which I apologize for but there is an easy fix. Scrape the backside of a blade along the corners of the collet.
Also it may help to start with the corner and then rotate the rest of tang into the slot. Once you get a blade in (any blade), carefully push of the blade side to side. Initially a little break-in may be necessary.
This user-side break-in is something we are actively working to eliminate, and we'll continue to improve on our deburring/tumbling, and final assembly QA to ensure the widest compatibility.
I'd never ask anyone doing a write-up to give anything but their honest take. But if you could note that you brought this to our attention and what our recommendations and plans for addressing this, we'd be so grateful!
On a side note, the Cap Holder-o-Matic is something I didn't know I needed! The instruction sheet is beyond hilarious

Thank you for reaching out and I hope your travels weren't too hectic."
I had another look. My findings:

"I shall include your comments and also your super-speedy response in my overview. I will comment that you are quite correct. The US made Excel blade at .0195 fits the Kirby knife the way you tell me it should. (Excel blades are marked with "USA") Not every Ship Guy has a digital caliper. I do.
A few (turds) less than precisely made .0205 Communist made # shiyi blades may have snuck into my supplies from the collection of a friend that passed away. Waste not, want not.
Stand Tall, American manufacturer! Your product works as advertised! My "article" will reflect these sentiments as well.
Cap-Holder-O-Matic is a premium for first-time TLAR Models customers. I LOVED Gallagher as a much younger child, and I rather shamelessly ripped-off his Sledge-A-Matic skit. If the instructions brought mirth, then I am successful! A more "serious businessman" might not give such a thing away. Enjoy!
You will find my very thorough, illustrated model kit instructions are written in the same vein.
When this hobby stops being fun, I will stop doing it.

If you decide to give the magnetic Kirby Tools Precision Knife a shot, use this discount code.
Your knife may never fall from your hobby bench again! It could save emergency room $$.