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HO scale to On30 logging Loco Conversion


Active member
Hello I'm very new Here ... but I've found some interest in this build ...


I ordered this Resin locomotive kit from Boulder Valley Models ...... :good:


Inside the instructions .... show what I'm building ..... I'll be using the Mechanism from a Athearn HO SW7


Here's a close-up of what I hope the finished build turns out like .... almost double in scale size HO to On3o narrow gauge Logging engine .....


The bottom innards We will keep the top innards ..... Back to some lucky buyer on eBay ..... :good:


I removed the trucks by removing top gear cover ....


Motor and trucks removed ready to paint the frame ....


I soaked it in white vinager 1st to remove the oils .....


Ok here the frame has been primed with MM grey primer .....


I painted the frame with Floquil engine black .....


Looking at the motor bottom you must remove these little copper fingers to insolate the motor from frame power .... :good:


I also, Just for good measure glued a piece of styrene using Testors wood & metal green tube glue .....:good:


I have added a wire on the bottom motor feeder .... it will be hooked to decoder ....


I Removed the side frames .... Too modern for this old Girl ...... :good:


I attracted wires from truck power pick-up for later use to hook up Decoder ..... I moved this wire from here down to the little brass brad .... I was having solder sticking trouble .....:good:


Each side frame has 4 pieces .... they must be installed sitting on the track because of axle drop


The side frame is in four parts ..... this little holder for side frame ..... :good:


You must ..... clamp the truck to the rail so you can align .... the frames to the axle ..... :good:


Here's the finished side frame ..... with journal boxes ready for paint .....



Now we start on the locomotives bottom floor ......

This is a start .... the engine I featured in my introduction thread ..... This is a start .... the engine I featured in my introduction thread .....

Cheers !!!
Next we start with the real stuff now that all the get it ready to build work is done .....


Here's the side beams this locomotive was a gear driven locomotive basically built on a flatcar .... it was made to go into the wood's and bring the logs to the sawmill ..... vertical boiler and was made by the Lima locomotive company before the turn of the century ......


I've' installed the side beams .... made sure to add a little deck overhang .......


Primed with MM gray primer ......


Here I added Mr. Color Dark Earth to go into the crevasses ......


I painted the truck Frames with MM grey Primer ..... and followed that with some Floquil ..... Grimy Black .....


Then I used some Citadel ...... Lead Belcher .... on the bolts .......



Followed by some citadel Nulin Oil ...........................


That looked so good I just added Nulin Oil to the whole of the deck ......... now I need to paint the steel parts ..... boiler and Water tank .........
Looking really good. When its done will it go on your main line or do you have spur lines to run irregular trains on?
Ok now we're gonna get down to the nitty gritty .....


All this needs to be added to cover the mechanism .... and it all has to be tested for fit .... tops of trucks, flywheels etc.... etc...
Thanks for your comments .... I tried to add more but my IE losing what I type I think it's my laptop extra mouse causing it .... :rotf :rotf :rotf



I had to move the red wire that I installed earlier ..... purple was all I could find .... I'll paint it black and this time not in the way of the Gubbins ....



I had to ream the inside of the boiler out ..... it was rubbing on the flywheel ....



I started to work on the cab ..... Sine this is a 1:48 engine I had to scribe the insides of the wood planks they will show on this size ...



This is the wood deck that you see in 1st photos .... and my Tsunami there will be room for it and a speaker .....


Primer coat MM grey primer



Working on the steel stuff I'm going Cast Iron look ... using my Stipling Brush .... & Floquil Grimy Black


This is the end beams I forgot to show this area .....

Comment & Criticism Ok ....
Looks like a very cool build. I've always found the old logging railroads very interesting. Dealt with them quite a bit when I worked in Archaeology.
Like I said in our conversation earlier today, I do enjoy checking out other genera of modeling, there's so much that can be used from one to the other, you really get pigeonholed if you only look at that one area you're use to.

Thats some really super neat stuff, Gerry.

This so cool! Thanks for sharing (y)

Looking forward to the next update. :popcorn

Looks like a very cool build. I've always found the old logging railroads very interesting. Dealt with them quite a bit when I worked in Archaeology.

@Paul ..... Thanks, Dude ... that means a lot coming from you ....

@Sherman 18 .... I'm working on it as we speak lots of painting to do ..... I'll see what I can get done tonight .....

@nerdling .... Kewl ..... My Cousin is in the Logging business He builds Log Homes so He's my inspiration for this build .... I plan to have the Family name on Loco when finished .... Hang in there and watch as You anit seen nothing yet ...... :geek
Thanks MP .... I was just a out of the box guy for so long that when I got back into this modeling stuff .... I ... Got :geek .... I'm experimenting with Magnets & miniature electronics .... there is so much out there now days that just wasn't there when I started off as a child .... :good:
Just to keep your juices flowing ..... I accomplished a little last night & this morning .... here the Photos & explanation's .....




Some boiler work I think this is good ...... :good:



I rusted the trucks some .... these Loco's weren't mainline engines so rust & dust was always there


Here's shot of truck & boiler ..... Now I need to paint the rest ....... :good:




Some work on cabin woodwork this is the 1st coat I need to let it dry good before I proceed ..... Just looking for the deep grain look then I'll lighten the wood more to a gray shade for that weathered look ..... :good:
Looking really good. When its done will it go on your main line or do you have spur lines to run irregular trains on?
Well does it Gerry?

Like where this is going especially the weathering :popcorn

Sorry I must of missed your post Jknaus .... This will be on my spur at the hobby Shop up in the mountain area with some Lionel running down below so I guess no mainline even thought the mechanism would be capable of running mainline speeds .... I will probably set the top end slower in the decoder .... Tsunami's are fully programmable ..... since this one will run on wood fuel I'll have to un program Fireman fred's coal shoveling ..... also I'll pull the blower sound out .....

Thanks Dave .... Hide and watch more weathering coming ...... I need scale pine branches .... cuz when done their will be logging junk everywhere .....
Looking really good. When its done will it go on your main line or do you have spur lines to run irregular trains on?

there will be spurs ..... my shop layout will be a Hour glass design ..... about 12' X 6' starting with 1:48's on bottom layers and move up the Mountains ..... to N scale going through all ... This loco will be pulling Log car's on the second layer in the foothill ..... then I have a HO Shay next and a HOn3 Shay .... This will give the layout a forced perspective ..... or at least I hope .... :good:
Looking really good. When its done will it go on your main line or do you have spur lines to run irregular trains on?
Well does it Gerry?

Like where this is going especially the weathering :popcorn

Sorry I must of missed your post Jknaus .... This will be on my spur at the hobby Shop up in the mountain area with some Lionel running down below so I guess no mainline even thought the mechanism would be capable of running mainline speeds .... I will probably set the top end slower in the decoder .... Tsunami's are fully programmable ..... since this one will run on wood fuel I'll have to un program Fireman fred's coal shoveling ..... also I'll pull the blower sound out .....

Thanks Dave .... Hide and watch more weathering coming ...... I need scale pine branches .... cuz when done their will be logging junk everywhere .....

That's cool, Gerry maybe you could share with us your setup at the hobby shop, we'd love to see it. We like all sorts of models here. :popcorn