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help needed once again


Morning boys & girls,
I have an Italeri Commando Car, kit # 320. ould this have been used in North Africa as a LRDG vehicle? Or I am open to any & all ideas!!
Yes I think so as jeeps were used and theres no real reason to suspect otherwise

Not really a great deal of help I must admit but hopefully one of the experts will give better info
Morning boys & girls,
I have an Italeri Commando Car, kit # 320. Could this have been used in North Africa as a LRDG vehicle? Or I am open to any & all ideas!!

Hi there.

There are quite a few extras on the Italeri Commando Car that were *NOT* used on the SAS Jeeps. The partial windscreens and bonnet mounted lights and the large rear gas tanks are some of them. I didn't care for some of the rather crude weapons included with the Tamiya SAS Jeep kit so I kit-bashed the Italeri and Tamiya kits. I really like the Italeri light machine guns and the extra drums you get for them. Basically I built the Tamiya SAS Jeep kits and added Italeri Commando Car weapons. I also replaced the Tamiya SAS Jeep gas cans with the two types of Jerry cans from a an Italeri Jerry Cans set. The SAS used both German and US styles of Jerry cans as can be seen in photos of the rear jeeps. The Tamiya Jerry cans are wrong in that they only have two handles instead of the proper three handles of the real thing. Oops! I almost forgot. The Tamiya SAS Jeep kit also has the condenser that goes on the front bumper. The Italeri Commando Car does *NOT* have that condenser. The Tamiya SAS Jeep kit also has two SAS figures to place in the jeep. You can use other 8th Army lower torsos with those SAS upper torsos if you want standing figures.

I hope this helps.

Cheers from Peter
Hi Gene

Peter is on the right track.. the commando car is more a representation of a SAS vehicle used in Europe.

This kit is easily bashed into either a SAS or LRDG Jeep as it has many positive attributes over the Tamiya SAS Jeep kit. The biggest thing to remember is that both the LRDG and SAS Jeeps still had the 2 middle slats in the grills. They are there to help support the loads, preventing the front of the bonnet from collapsing onto the top of the radiator.

Also as Peter has said, they had the condenser tin on the front, generally on the passenger side of the Jeep.

The loads also varied between the LRDG and SAS. I have a lot of images somewhere which I can send to you at some stage if you like?

Lastly, below is one of my many unfinished symphony's in the form of the Italeri Commando Car part way thought being converted to a early acquired LRDG Jeep.



If there is anything else I can help with, flick me a PM :)

