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Gulf War Bradley

I did some test shots. Tamiya clear red, a shot of Alclad Chrome on the opposite side of what will face out and then black. For the armor plate glass, think just light Tamiya clear green? (alclad armor plate seems to etch the clear plastic)

The various sensor lenses, think the one to the right of the commander's hatch is the Tow targetting camera, not sure what that suitcase looking things is. What little I can find on them seem to be a bit smoky in color, is that what y'all seeing?
Wont the Pink/purple Alclad colorchanging metal work just as well there or even the Tamiya metalic pink spraycan paint on the back

What I found with the Alclad stuff is it seemed to have etched the surface. I guess I could gloss it over later. I've used Tamiya clears. You can see the clear sprue in the back of one of those shots. Also check out the ol' Corsair canopy I used as a test.
You might even be able to adapt these vision blocks.


Found at Sprue Brothers.

Thanks James, I don't think that has enough for this Bradley.

About the best shot I can find of the underside. think I can fake it from there.

yea, that is how I remember it. Open and you saw the missile tubes when loaded.
I used a clear red paint by model master for my A3 kit's periscopes. it looked pretty good. I forget the name and the bottle is gone. :( Ruby red or something, it was in the auto paint section.

a point of trivia, the little blue dots on the rear of the missile tubes are moisture indicators. Blue was safe to fire, White was acceptable, Pink is a no-go. They made us remember with a little rhyme. Blue is cool, White is alright and pink stinks. LOL
I've thrown some stuck stuff up in there. Hardly anything accurate but more than just blank space. Also did some scratch building of that handle, guess it was to lock the missiles in place. Getting real close to wrapping up construction. :soldier
I ran into a bit a trouble but it was self inflicted. The armor glass plate around the commanders hatch, I second guessed the instructions. The frame comes in one piece and you bend it to shape the mount, I bent it the wrong way. think it may be ok now.


Referencing back to this photo


My attempt

Just some spare PE and thin tube.
Paul if you follow the directions you won't have a problem. They put the effort behind this one. :soldier
Thanks, good, I got most of them done.

Funny that the hatches can be modeled workable but no interior.
Thanks guys, it's all coming together now.

Found an issue with the instructions. The mount for the cyclops looking thing besides the commanders hatch has a part not called out.


So far this is the only error I found.

Something strange though, big open spot on the turret.

I don't know if there's some over hang or something on the real one but it makes you wonder. There's no missing armor plate that goes there, I'm running out of parts on the sprue (which is a good feeling) :good:


But once the Turret is in place, you don't really notice it so what the hey...


I painted the inside of the light figures chrome, clear orange for the turn signal(?) and left the headlight clear.



Lots of dodads to attach yet, tools and cable, then the fun starts! Weathering! :soldier
Fill in that hole! That is surpising concidering how up-to-date the rest of the kit is.
