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General Jimmy Doolittle's RC3-2

I mounted the floats as well. Sanding on the clunky mounting blocks begins! :pilot :skipper :facepalm

I hope I don't regret my choice of Airplanes! The low wing Supermarine S6B will be a snap, by comparison!
Cheer-O! :drinks
Really is an interesting build thread. I have this kit, as well; its always nice to have decent reference threads. (y)
Yep! Rigging! I started by making 4 of these:

A teeny bit of ship rigging experience helps here. The Uschi stuff is springy, so I untangle every time it "BOINGS" :bang head White paper & good lighting is a MUST!

Insert the point end into the float, I drilled a .070 hole, which is plenty big for this dinky stuff! Ran it thru a similar hole in the wing strut, then doubled back, so I have plenty left to attach to the lower wing. 1 piece, 2 wires!! see?! Pull a bit of tension, then a little dab of CA glue to fix it.
Uschi fine rigging stretches! Lookie!!


Spings right back in place! Handy, but not without it's foibles.

Swipe of a sharp hobby knife, and the left over double-back is GONE!!

Git'er done Chris :skipper
I hope we all pass on some of our skills, and experiences, both sage, and ridiculous, before the end of this finite affair, We call Life. Otherwise, what the heck are we doing?! :drinks
It wouldn't be even a bit of a thing to email the old Hawk rigging diagram to you. If you wish to join the stringie-thingie madness!
OH! Important tip!! turn your ceiling fan off before you start to dink with the Uschi rigging thread. It's super light, and the ceiling fan, on slow-ahead makes enough breeze to blow it all over. Makes a dinky granny-knot, and bad words! :angry: :smack
10 years is long enough to wait. Change of (rigging) plan. Floats will be rigged up with invisible thread to add strength to the struts and floats.
INFINI elastic lycra will be used to rig wings and other non-structural features.
20250306_151213.jpg20250306_151222 1.jpg
Job 1 is to wrap the ol' RC in a blankie and touch up the mountings for the float struts. Testors Sea Blue enamel was thinned, mixed, and sprayed, but gently. Damp paper towels covered the floats, just in case.
Thanks for looking in!
Going back and reading this, I'm reminded of your masking tape trick to keep alignment. I could do that on the Korean dozer to align it's S/N I seem to have struggled with. Man there's some good stuff on the website...:rotf
Here's what 4 strands of invisible thread looks like. I remembered a bigger scale biplane part I've seen Bob use. I installed faux turnbuckles on the insides of the floats to give me something to glue the lines to. Invisible thread lends less strength to the floats than I hoped it would.
This airplane must be VERY gently handled!
I ran the rest of the rigging in INFINI line. I did the double line trick earlier mentioned on the lines from the top of the wing strut again.
There is still some touch-up to do and flatting glue shinies, but General Jimmy's Curtiss racer is coming along.
I looked at the bottle of Liquid Decal Film sitting on the desk. I know how old the kit decals are. I stored them carefully in a zip-baggie, for just 10 years.
I threw the first decal in the water without coating it.
I did spray the decals for the underside of the wing. They went on without much fuss.
Thanks again for looking in!
after waiting just 10 years for me to figger it out!
A decade? Why are you working so fast?

I'll take your decade, and increase it by 50%...

2010 and still slowly working on it. FYI, the DS100 tracks are decaying so I need to replace them:
I usually have more than one model project going at the same time, but 5 Shermans at once !?!
Well, it is seven . The last one being the subject of that thread which was cobbled up using leftover parts from the spares bin. I actually wanted to show the new turret made to bring it up to snuff:

M4A3E8 TK45.jpg
M4A3E8 48419893_10216562737597350_6299873208187224064_o.jpg
M4A3E8 48383256_10216562739397395_2551119206984712192_o.jpg
M4A3 76 VVS dozer tank3rd Engineer Battalion 24th Infantry Division Korea1951.jpg
M4A3E8 89thTankbatalion25thInfantrydivision.jpg

I wasn't kidding!