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General Jimmy Doolittle's RC3-2

I mounted the floats as well. Sanding on the clunky mounting blocks begins! :pilot :skipper :facepalm

I hope I don't regret my choice of Airplanes! The low wing Supermarine S6B will be a snap, by comparison!
Cheer-O! :drinks
Really is an interesting build thread. I have this kit, as well; its always nice to have decent reference threads. (y)
Yep! Rigging! I started by making 4 of these:

A teeny bit of ship rigging experience helps here. The Uschi stuff is springy, so I untangle every time it "BOINGS" :bang head White paper & good lighting is a MUST!

Insert the point end into the float, I drilled a .070 hole, which is plenty big for this dinky stuff! Ran it thru a similar hole in the wing strut, then doubled back, so I have plenty left to attach to the lower wing. 1 piece, 2 wires!! see?! Pull a bit of tension, then a little dab of CA glue to fix it.
Uschi fine rigging stretches! Lookie!!


Spings right back in place! Handy, but not without it's foibles.

Swipe of a sharp hobby knife, and the left over double-back is GONE!!

Git'er done Chris :skipper
I hope we all pass on some of our skills, and experiences, both sage, and ridiculous, before the end of this finite affair, We call Life. Otherwise, what the heck are we doing?! :drinks
It wouldn't be even a bit of a thing to email the old Hawk rigging diagram to you. If you wish to join the stringie-thingie madness!
OH! Important tip!! turn your ceiling fan off before you start to dink with the Uschi rigging thread. It's super light, and the ceiling fan, on slow-ahead makes enough breeze to blow it all over. Makes a dinky granny-knot, and bad words! :angry: :smack