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G scale locomotive.

you know we had a Youtube channel once. a couple of videos uploaded. I'll see if I still have access to it.
@Tim A., when posting, use this icon so the link works immediately and provides a thumbnail:
I gave it a go, no go. Went to the MA youtube channel, but can't post there, and I didn't even know there was a Modellers Alliance FB page!

I know, I can't get to it either, don't have a FB account!

I'm on FB, but the MA page says I need to update my password to get in, so I backed out.

I think @errains runs the YouTube channel but I, and @AndyFettes are admins on the FarceBook group. Tell me what you want to do. Obviously, I am Sharkmouth on FB!
I think @errains runs the YouTube channel but I, and @AndyFettes are admins on the FarceBook group. Tell me what you want to do. Obviously, I am Sharkmouth on FB!
I was just looking for a easy way to post up a little test run vid of the locomotive build. It's not a big deal, though.
Are you "Sharkmouth" on your personal fb account? If so I'll look you up. Mine is Tim Alexander. Profile pic is me relaxing on Clearwater Beach.
I was just looking for a easy way to post up a little test run vid of the locomotive build. It's not a big deal, though.
Are you "Sharkmouth" on your personal fb account?
I'm Sharkmouth EVERYWHERE! Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, you name it! Including those that are long gone such as Netscape.net and others.
The more I looked at the smoke box the more I didn't like it. I've put fresh styrene on the smoke box and simulated the rivets with brads. I'm also making the smoke box front with a mix of styrene and the original door.
The difference with this build , being a working model, and others I've done is most of the major parts need to be removable, yet secure. That requires screws or other creative means. The pilot deck and cow catcher has been quite the challenge for me to scratchbuild. I came up with a pressure fit design to secure the cow catcher. It's working well and it's straight!
Here you can see the blind nut and screw that secures the rear of the boiler to the frame. The boiler back plate will cover all of this. The front boiler screw goes up through the smoke box.
Something happened to the attachments on that one post Tim. Need to see this press fix riggin'.
Something happened to the attachments on that one post Tim. Need to see this press fix riggin'.
I accidentally posted it twice. I couldn't figure out how to delete the second one. I am seeing the pics in the original post, though.