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F16A - 1/48 kit from Kinetic


Right, time for another update. Two big parts joined together. Front and rear fuselage sections are now one.



Insane amount of filing and dry fitting - ended up slapping some Evergreen styrene on either half because the contact area between the two halves is going to hold a lot better with two pieces of styrene glued together rather than resin with CA. There are some pins in there, for good measure. That should hold everything together.

I bought some extras - this is just one example - AMRAAM missiles from Reskit take a look at the attention to detail here:


In a box that small they packed - the missiles, tips and fins, decals, a very nice instruction sheet, two sponges, you know, fragile stuff inside.


Inside also instructions on how to straighten the resin in case it bent, details on how to contact them etc.


Last, but not least, yep, what they say above. Happy to contribute.

Have some more goodies from them, well worth the money (not super expensive either).

Thanks for watching,

This is coming along nicely! I purchased a couple weapons from Reskit for some of my future builds. They look like nice gear!
Right - time for one of these things ...updates. In tune with updating the whole site, great effort there MP. Reading through that technical stuff made me feel 20 again ..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... DNS..........mmmmmmmmmmm. Very Homer Simpson-ish.
Anyway, things got crazy here, as in broken kind of crazy. Plus me trying to fix a very thin strip of resin which was bent. Didn't go well. Even tried cutting it and replacing it with strip styrene ... nah. Feels like my pride got hit by an out of control freight train. But, never give up, no matter how much it sucks. So, bought another kit, a Tamiya this time, because you know, Black dog is only supposed to be used on a Tamiya bird.
This means that I have to open a ton of panels, cut the big resin blocks into small chunks that would fit in those open panels. Here's the biggest one in one piece then cut into pieces.



The tail electronics are particularly challenging:


I have to cut that resin carefully - this is one side of it, there are more on the other side. Cut them, then along the length so split them up and file them until they fit in the new tail assembly.

Nose wheel bay- Kinetic vs Tamiya ....booooooooooooo. Cut Kinetic, make it fit in the frame of the other one and job done, that was the easy one. Photo taken before cut-file-fit-glue.


I know I am going to lose some portions of the resin, but that's fine. This will take much longer than I thought, but, oh, well .... stupidity and lack of planning come at a price.

Thanks for watching this train wreck,

We all get an AMS attack at some point. What we actually do with that kit proves what kind of modeler we are.

Go for it!