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F-4 Phantom variants?

Really thinking about it, what an amazing tool we have right at our finger tips

Google search ,..I love it (y)
maybe the only difference if any on the front would be that drag hook for the catapult?


The thing that you refer to as a drag hook is called a catapult T-Bar. The T-Bar hooks in-to what is called
the catapult Shuttle. This is the part of the catapult that moves the aircraft.

As far as visualy..... may-hap be it looked that way to you......... I was there friend..... where you... ?

And I am not going to give you the satisfaction of arguing about a subject that doesn't make
a shit anyway. I have better thing to do with my time.

Have a good day
Yeah Mike, I was there. You're not the only one who has ever seen a F4, several of us have worked on them. Accuracy in research does matter to some people. I get satisfaction in correct information being gathered, not arguing.

I will advise you to be careful of the tone of your post. I generally don't even give warnings in this matter.
I was trying to get an answer Mike, what is the naval variation of an F-4 E? If you read my posts here (since I started this thread) You would understand my question. Instead you toss variable anything picture post replies out. And no I obviously wasn't there or I would not need to ask my question in the first place. Get a life son.

You beat me to this Bob, sorry.

Don't waste your time arguing!

Chip, your answer is there... lots of work to do to convert your F-4E into one used by the USN.

Mike, I also was a squid and I worked on aircraft for a while after earning my A & P licenses from Aviation High School in New York City. After not finding paid work, I volunteered on restorations. This allowed me access to many a flight-line where I took thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of photos and created several photo sharing groups. Being on the flight-line and talking to the ground crew in their language allowed me copies of several FM and TO books.

So, I have several Phantom Phixers as Phriends. ;)

Lets agree to disagree if that is possible. The aforementioned friends don't know of any difference in the gear legs and are looking into the parts catalogs for me to see if there is a difference.


Don't waste your time arguing!

Lets agree to disagree if that is possible.


I am not that big into aircraft builds,[with other words I don't know a thing about that],but I think it's way cool about this site that people TRY to help each other out with reference.
May it be from person A or person B.
Sometimes one persons reference is different from another ones....So be it.

Got to say;I am with Saúl about,lets agree to disagree if that is possible,gentlemen! :drinks

Googled " tail hook " , .............

This is the only thing that came up ...........


HA , HA , HA , HA , .......... OK , NOW THAT WE'VE ALL HAD A GOOD LAUGH , ............

I've never had to do this before , ...... we've all been playing so nicely together ..........

Kryptodaddy , MikeC , ......... you're new here , ......... so you may not know it but I'm the official/unofficial site bouncer .


I'm the guy that sits on a bar stool at the front door and and makes sure everyone here at Modelers Alliance plays nice.
I may not seem to be around much, ......... but I watch this site like a hawk .

I wasn't going to say anything until you , Kryptodaddy passed your comments " get a life son " .... and ........ " you beat me to this Bob sorry "
By saying " you beat me to this Bob , sorry " doesn't sanction your " get a life son " comment .

MikeC , ......... I really don't care where you've been , but the comment to me seemed " baiting " .
If you're looking for a third grade pissing contest , ........ it will not happen here .

I strongly suggest you two kiss and make up , ..... either in p.m's or publicly [ highly recommended ]here on the site .

We all here at ModelersAlliance have disputes and disagreements , ..... ALL ARE DONE HERE ON THE PUBLIC SITE FORUMS , DIPLOMATICALLY .

If you can't manage the gentleman/lady conversation thing in the forums , you won't be asked to leave , you will be told to leave .
amen to that brother cheyenne!

i have nothing more to add to glenn's words of wisdom and as admin can promise quick reactions in case someone feels uncomfortable with our rules! (rules #2, #4, #12 in this particular case!)
Point taken, this was not a territorial response- i was merely asking a question about a broad subject that I can't find the right info for. If any here read the posts from last night thinking 'oh no not here' lets just set it straight that I take responsibility for posting out of ire and i apologize for being so rash.

When I wrote the 'get a life' post i wasn't mad, just a little surprised that one simple comment would strike such a nerve. i should have thought first, instead i'm thinking now as to why I jumped like i did.

For that i have no answer-except i'm sorry this rose up as quickly as it did. It's over folks, just carry on... CR
Chip I'm sure if you have any specific questions about a F4 that you're working on we'll be able to find an answer pretty quickly.
KD we really appreciate that you came back with that last message

Good man

Keep calm and carry on :eek:hyeah
Thanks Chip , ......... it takes a big man to admit he was wrong and an even bigger man to apologise , nicely done !!!
Greetings CR;

I apologize for anything that I said that upset you....

Originaly.... I was trying to help, and expressed how nice the
Big-H kit looks when assembled. Then thing kind of got out of hand,
with the arguing.
..... At one point it appeared that every one was coming out of the
closet to tell me that I was wrong. I felt that this was a little
bit un-fare.

..... All that was needed was for Saul, or one of the moderators,
to say, "Mike it appears that you are wrong", and the quit talking
about it. Change the subject and talk about something else.

Lord knows, that I make mistakes all the time, and I am aware of

CR I have never, nor do I, have any problems with you.......... :mpup

Greetings Moon Pup;

I apologize for the comment that I made to you.

I did not mean it, just up-set at the time.

Cool Mike , nicely done , ...........

Just remember it doesn't matter who threw the first stone etc. , etc. , etc. ........ like a bouncer in real life , if there's trouble , everyone's wrong and ya'll better make amends and buy each other a beer , ..... or they can hit the bricks .

I understand what you mean with context and syntax , ........ easily understandable when people are talking to one another face to face in real life .
Yet , .......... on a computer without tone or eye contact , things typed can and do get taken the wrong way , sometimes for the worse , add some language differences [ we are global ] and it can even get uglier .

Thanks for settling this guys , ........... my beer's gettin warm ...............
Cool Mike , nicely done , ...........

Thanks for settling this guys , ........... my beer's gettin warm ...............

Aaaand we don't want that to happen,don't we Glenn?!

Glad you guys sorted this out!

It could have been worse though.... :D


Greetings,my friends,Ron.