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"Easy Pickins"

Fantastic work on the Bike!

You've been working on this for a while. I don't feel so bad about my shelf of doom!

200mm is what scale... 1/24?
I got nothing for ya big guy...watching what's next. :popcorn
Thanks, man, thanks!:(
this is how rich people do it :)

Good thing I'm not rich, I'd have to water the dio:rotf
You'd have to prune and water your model.
Hey, I just heard an echo, HA!:fencing::rotf Sorry, MP, I had to steel that line:yipee:
Fantastic work on the Bike!

You've been working on this for a while. I don't feel so bad about my shelf of doom!

200mm is what scale... 1/24?
Thanks, Barney, and yes, we're coming on 11 yrs, woof. 200mm is 1/9th scale, so it's huuuuuge!
You do realize that if you put a dam acorn in dirt on your dio eleven years ago the dam thing would be the perfect size right now for your build ..................
Still love ya tho BroSki .................
You do realize that if you put a dam acorn in dirt on your dio eleven years ago the dam thing would be the perfect size right now for your build ..................
Still love ya tho BroSki .................
Yes, yes,............... you are correct as always, sheesh! Hind-sight is crystal clear. So why didn't you tell me this 11yrs ago, Huh, huh?:bang head
I did tell you eleven years ago , ............ but then again we're both Polish so it might not have taken root , ........

See what I did there , ........... " taken root " ...................