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DML Late Nashorn

Nashorn gun crew in painting stage


Thank you all for your kind words.

My apologies for the late reply I have been head down working on the gun crew.
This is the first stage to getting all the uniforms painted and detailed in the early prep stage .
All the figures have been painted in humbrol enamels and acrylics along with small pinwashes to enhance the detail on each figure.
By drybrushing the figures using either a enamel /acrylic method was to create variation in the figures apperance as I did not want to have all the figures looking identical .

The next stage now is painting the flesh tones for the face and hands using oil paints .
Once this is done photoetch straps will be added to the figures with the helmets and fine electrical wire will be used for the intercom wiring to the other 3


click on image to enlarge
Re:Nashorn gun crew in painting stage

hey mike, nice figures so far, can't wait to see them mounted up.

Cheers Ross :woohoo:
nashorn gun crew completed and ready to mount

Thanks Ross,

Here are the figures ready to be mounted into the Nashorn .

Click on the image to enlarge .

I'll dust the boots down before gluing into position.

Re: nashorn gun crew completed and ready to mount

Really captured these guys facial expressions Mike, well done.
DML Late Nashorn painted image progress

Thanks Matt,

Here are the progress step images of where I am now .

I used a combination of life colour,gunze and tamiya red brown lightened out with some buff.


All the metal parts had been primed with Humbol primer
The parts are now at a stage where all the chipping and detailing.




The model is yet to get a coat of flat clear.Once this is done I can move along to apply washes and the earth mixture to the lower hull and apply more chipping and detailing

I picked up the afv club ammo last week ,This is a nicely deatiled ammo set.I'm going use the ammo stencils for all the 88mm ammo rounds in the storage lockers.

I'm a getting there. :S :pinch: :)

Michael :)
weathering products and chipping update

Thanks Guys for your kind words.

I have been inspired to show more progress step images.

Here are the fruil tracks primed with Humbrol primer.
One of the metal track links snapped while I was twisting the track on a angle.
This is a first for me because of all the fruil I've never had links break on me .
Its the finest looking link I've seen in white metal.

Here are a couple of shots of the compartment with some minor chipping before the testors flat clear gets applied.This in turn will slightly darken the yellow but it's what I'm trying to achieve


The final image is the way I apply some of my washes .Its a 50/50 mix of Mig pigments
with the 502 Abetelung and its the best mix to use .
A fine paintbrush was used with small amounts of pigment and thinner and gently dropped onto the tread plate
The image shows the clear example in the drying process .
Once dry I will go back and dust down and remove the excess pigment.At this stage you see the paint become worn .The floor will then get drybrushed and chipped again to create a depth appearance.
The raised sections of the treadplate will be drybrushed with humbrol metalcote and then brushed again with another paintbrush to bring out the shine.This will hopefully leave the pigment sitting in the recesses.The Nashorn will be placed in the Italian theatre and the dusting starts from within the fighting compartment :)

I hope you like the images

Update to weathering the DML Late Nashorn

Thanks Tony,

I'm looking forward to this labour day long weekend
There will be more images on the dirt paste applied by paintbrush
to the lower hull and track .

Michael :)
lovely progress mike!

you deserve a special prize for snipping a friul track link! no matter what i tried i never managed something like that! :blink
Thanks Laura,

And now after a lttle break I'm back with some more progress images .

After flat clearing the Nashorn I move towards painting the fruil track with
Humbrol's matt 160.
This is a great colour for doing german tank tracks.
After painting the humbrol colour I flat cleared the track in prepartion for the
groundwork mixture.

Here are the items I use when doing the groundwork for my vehicles and tanks .
Combination of acrylic paints ,wall filler ,heki soil .

This is all mixed and blended with a Knife into a paste mixture then I use a donar paintbrush .
I apply the paste using the paintbrush and then frequently dipped into the water to reduce it from clogging up.


both the lower hull and tracks get done with the same mix and once dred I clean away the areas where the paste as been built up.
The paste can then be lightinged up with pigments and pastes to create depth in the lower hull.




I hope you like the work

Michael :)
Hi Mike.

That looks real nice. And I like the idea with how to make the "mud" . But I was curious about weather or not you let the mixture dry on the tracks before you mount them on the running gear?

Gary B)
Hey Mike,

A really sweet build. Those huge PE sets are a real pain in the backside, but do they ever make a difference!

I came in a little late on this one, but you can bet I will be following it to completion!

Nashorn tracks are on with dried mud in place

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

The paste mixture takes about 2 hours to dry.
When its settles and becomes hard you can then remove off what you don't need.
I use a fine screwdriver tip and chip away the excess .

The example images have now got the running gear together and I will continue to remove away the excess depending on the terrain the SPW will be placed.

I want to portray a little dried mud in each track .
Once the paint had dried I went over the track again with Humbrol metalcote to simulate the wear on the inside of the track .



Now the exhausts can be added.


Really nice work! I seem to have trouble with mud you make it look easy.

Terry B)