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Buying more while stuck at home?

I shouldn't worry over much about WnW. Molds travel. Especially really good ones.
Polar Lights is reproducing lots of old Treasures and some of those are turds! We buy them anyway, don't we?
I haven't bought many models I did get a 2nd Chibi Godzilla with an Egg-Type 10 tank and base. HLJ's shipping options are only Fedex & DHL right now and it's PRICEY!! I have been working 10-hour days for a month, so $$ is not an issue.

I have been buying Lego sets. Used and otherwise. To forestall the emptiness of Corona, I made a Lego Karaoke Bar (The Foo-Bar, where everything is SNAFU! The Mai-Tais are better than Trader Vic's! Thanks MIke!) and many figures representing our friends. We have a Band. White Yeti on bass. Jawa on lead guitar, a Guardian Angel on rhythm guitar, Elvis is here!
I run YouTube with lyrics so my Sweetie & I can still drink and sing together. It's almost pretty good!
Yesterday the Governor re-opened many of our Iowa businesses. The streets are full of people who have forgotten how their cars work!

Today we sally forth to Iowa District 6 (Marion/Cedar Rapids/Waterloo) to dispense some Lego and play with Grandkids! I like to think I'm laying modeling's foundation. Perhaps it is just for the fun of it! We believe that the Covid-19 virus is real. We also believe much of what our terrorist media says about it is absolute horseshit. We refuse to be afraid any further.
I have to be that odd one that has restrained! I HAVE, however spent my moo-lah on resin and other items intended for kits I already have an am about to start. I have mostly concentrated on finishing stuff I have.

I only got a roughly two week break, have been back at it hard, working from home, but practically non-stop, and going stir-crazy to boot
I was off for about 4 weeks. Have been back at work now for 2 weeks and people have been in the store dropping off watches to get repaired and buying jewelry and watches. We are busy which is a good thing. Will head out to the local HS and get some paint this afternoon. I finally go the decals and masks for my Trumpeter 1/32 Su27B from the Ukraine. That kit was an inexpensive impulse buy at a hobby show and once I found out what the Ukrainian birds looked like it became much more interesting.

Su27B number 37.jpg
I am thinking of getting the two seater and doing one of the soft edged schemes. Have a number of photos and the decals I just received from the Ukraine seem to be quite high quality. The coloring and registration are spot on. Quite nice! I also have a set to do the Su-25 in a grey digital.

Su-25 Frogfoot Ukranian-08.jpg
It is amazing how the hobby world has opened up. I received the decals and masks for these "FROM" the Ukraine! I remember a time when we might get to see a fuzzy photo of a Russian aircraft. Now we can get model stuff from them, and it in many cases is quite good quality.