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Britts Construction Company '65 pickup

moon puppy

Staff member
In case you might have missed it on the thread about posting images.
I'm starting the '65 chevy pickup.


For you local boys this is the old Lyman Mills parking lot up in Lyman SC. I can remember going up there when this job was underway. Something broke down, as usual and Mom had to load us all up and deliver some parts for something. (I have pictures of the repair job going on)


The kit is the short bed version, I'm not even going to attempt that modification. I can remember riding in the back of this truck to go get ice cream and getting a splinter in my foot from the wood bed in the back. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to wire up the engine and all but I do know I'm not replicating the damage.
I thin I can do a far job on the big mirrors with some brass tubes. You can't see it but there's a huge steel tool box in the back that wouldn't be a problem to scratch build.
Still debating if I'll trick out the engine or leave the hood closed.
That's pretty cool. It reminds me of a much younger me. Driving around with that bomb behind the back seat did make me wonder what Chevy were thinking of.
And no seat belts. Back then we just bounced around inside the cab till it stopped. Seatbelts were for wussies.