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Bf 109G-2 Trop

I'm impressed you got so many sessions in this week. (y)

:hmmm Hmmmm, think I'd rather be running a course or two. The local Police training budget has been cut-back (again), hence I'm looking for something 'part-time' to run alongside the consultancy work just now.

More time in the man-cave is good, however gluing & painting bits of plastic doesn't pay the mortgage, unfortunately :coolio

Nice build Ian . Really like that engine .

I've live in places that get dust storms. probably the only place you won't find dirt is inside a snow globe :rotf But I don't have one :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)
So I reckon most of you will have seen that the fuel line that runs along the right-hand sill isn't there. That's because it isn't in the kit - I'm pretty sure they used the pics of 'Black 6' from the old Aero Detail book, the fuel line is absent for whatever reason. It was pointed-out to me and TBH I wasn't too bothered, however then I thought... 'well I've worked hard to get it to this point, so why not...'

So here's what I've cobbled together, not pretty, but better (maybe ?) than nothing at all:

30amp fuse wire, an old 1:72 AIM-7 missile body, drilled through, the wire fed through then bent in to (rough) shape, test-fitted, painted and CA'd in to place. Like I said a wee bit rough'n ready but should look OK with the canopy opened later....

More progress pics in a minute, please stand-by.

Thanks boss :coolio

IP next, nothing special here, simply followed the Eduard instructions and it fitted like a glove - which is what it's supposed to do, right :hmmm




Still, better test it to make sure that it doesn't foul the fit of the side panels etc...



OK, that looks fine. So just add the twin MG17's in the cowl and ready to button-up the fuselage.

So as this is written, this is where I'm up to:

Well that's all the boring and time-consuming stuff done. Next is a couple of PSR sessions then on to final construction, a little more PSR, then....
P A I N T !!

Wings today...

After a lot of test-fitting, I decided to ignore the construction sequence and therefore the 'wing root gap' issue by gluing the top wings directly to fuselage - again the fit was 'hand-in-a-glove' neat. Just a spot or two of 'Contaca' cement, let it sit in place for about five minutes then brush-in some 'Kiwi Weld' (a superb locally 'grown' product), from underneath which avoids those pesky glue bubbles we sometimes get on the these sort of joints.

Bottom wing simply dropped in to place without fuss:

Yeah, this is going very nicely....

Using this photo as a reference, I dry-brushed a dull silver tone (Humbrol 56) over the prop blades, then went back over the leading edges and extreme tips to try and give that 'just burnished' look...

Not as extensive as in the photo, but then I'm doing a different machine from the same unit !! - would really appreciate some feedback from folks, let me know what you think, please.

Finishing this update with two quick pics with the undercarriage legs just pushed in to place (apologise for the lack of quality in the first pic, but you get the idea). Next session will be to rub-back the overall RLM02 paintwork (Lifecolour), then mask the canopies and start the pre-shading.

As ever thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment, more next week.

