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Bad Modeling Omen

moon puppy

Staff member
I've not been in the garage in over a week. Nothing wrong, just work has had me wore out when I get home and this weekend was a bit busy. Got all the chores done around the house so I picked up the camera, iPad (for some startup photos, about all the good I can find in the thing) and head down thinking I'm going to have a good session.

Not really sure what to build, still thinking about Laurence's German mobile workshop (Insert Long German word here) - Truck I figure do the Hard Top GMC truck with the workshop on it. Also on a recent run to the LHS I picked up a Dragon Jeep with armor, recon jeep I guess. Thinking to make a little dio with the maintenance guys standing around this uparmored jeep as if they have just finished it. So...I pull out the resin stuff for the Hard Top, run it in the ultrasonic cleaner to clean the parts. I notice some of the resin is warped.

Recalling numerous articles and comments about how to deal with warped resin I eyeball my Chefmate Butane burner, you all have seen them, run off butane cans/cartages. It's saved us in the past during an ice storm and we without power, had a hot spaghetti supper, but I digress. I have a small stainless saute pan, some water, ready to go. I pour in the bottle of water in the pan, engage the butane and hit the igniter.

Flame I have, checked the flame, nice blue warming the bottom of the pan. Good, I turn to get the resin bits I want to work with and I heard...WHHOPPF. :blink :blink

I turn back and the entire burner is in flames!

Flames are shooting up the wall, which was 2 secs ago a safe distance from the cooker. I hit the dial to turn off the gas...nope...getting hot! I hit the lever that engages the butane cartage, nope, still flames getting hotter! WATER my mind screams! Well there's 8oz of fresh bottle water in the pan that was being heated. Quickly in my mind I think, pouring water in butane, danger? SCREW it, FLAMES!! I poured the water on the burner...nothing...

Fight or Flight starts kicking in.. :pilot If I run up to the house to get the fire extinguisher and run back, will have the garage be in flames? YES, knowing my luck. Some of you guys have seen me, can you see me running? Yeah, I'd have a heart attack on the return run and the garage would still burn down! I opted to FIGHT. :fencing

I have to get this can disengaged from the burner..I grab something, think it was nonflammable...and start beating the can, trying to get it to disengage from the fuel regulator thingy. It's not moving.

I have to get this thing outside! Yeah, that's the trick. It's been wet and raining lately, any leaves out there wouldn't burn long...OK I'm ready, door only 3 feet away. I pick up the burning burner and as I do, I remember the lesson learned long ago in my youth working in the family restaurant. NEVER move something that is burning else you fan the flames.

What's that smell??? yep, hairs on my arm are gone...I drop/place the burner on the floor.

Fight or Flight kicking in again... :pilot

Flames still big, not growing, on the concrete floor now so not real worried about something else catching fire. No marshmallows so I can't turn lemons in to lemonade...I see my Dads old pry-bar/screwdriver sitting there. Long shank about 24 inches, flat head screwdriver, grab it, wedge the head between the butane cartage and the fuel regulator and twist...POOF goes the flame.

OK so it's over...did some cussin, took the butane can out, kicked the burner, picked up the pieces. This SOB will be in the next scrap metal run I promise you.

I sit down to think, well maybe I don't need to do the resin kit after all...Hands shaking...not a good day to model. Packed up everything, turned out the lights and headed back up to the house, glanced at the butane can to make sure it's not still smokin'. At least I got some start photos.

Monday and Tues are booked, maybe hit the bench Wend evening, nothing fancy I promise you!

Oh yeah, note to self..get a fire extinguisher for the garage!
Yikes!!! Very glad to hear nothing was lost except for the hair on your arm, and you got it taken care of before it got out of control.
Glad everything worked out!

As far as having a fire extinguisher, if that thing (or anything else) gets hot enough, all a dry chemical extinguisher will do is knock down the flames temporarily. You have to remove the fuel source or else it will just flare right back up.

So what you ended up doing was really the only way to put it out. Congratulations, you are now an Honorary Damage Controlman. :drinks

Here, have one of these:

:eek:hmy: Glad to hear that you and the garage is ok!!

Yeah always good to have a fire extinguisher close at hand, also one of those thick welding gloves are good when you wanna turn off the valve when it's hot.

Take care and don't do that again :smack

Thank you Jeff, yeah I knew as long as that can was engaged I'm fighting this battle. I was just trying to get it to not burn everything else in the garage. It was just blind dumb luck that I had it setup close to the door.

Fireman I am not, I chose my profession well, saw too many small ones in the restaurant to know I ain't running into a house that's on fire. I got a Brother in Law who is Chief of our city FD and his son is following his foot steps, not sure what's in y'alls blood to do that stuff but god bless ya all! :notworthy
:eek:hmy: Glad to hear that you and the garage is ok!!

Yeah always good to have a fire extinguisher close at hand, also one of those thick welding gloves are good when you wanna turn off the valve when it's hot.

Thanks Mats, I actually have "hot hands", comes from growing up the restaurant business. With hot hands I can pull baked potatoes out of an oven without mitts. :blink

Take care and don't do that again :smack


YES SIR! :dude :facepalm
Glad you got things under control, sounds like time for a coldbeer. :drinks
Instincts are a good thing and yours served you well.

Glad you made it out okay in the end.
Yikes! I suggest you pour a cold beer over the root cause of the fire (and that's you, if you get my drift). So glad you're okay, your garage is okay, your stash is okay. :drinks

And yesh, I tried to pour water on a grease fire once. :facepalm
I read your post a couple of times wondering what really happened. I bet your Chefmate is ok, but you will need to change the regulator. The valves are made of pins and springs, something stretched or broke and POOF! you have an unregulated flow of gas- your rest experience could lead to the same conclusion. Leaky valves in gas appliances can be murder- I had a Mapp gas canisters valve pin freeze open because of a leaking turbo torch. I shut it off, and unscrewed the torch from the tank not knowing- and pppssssttt, gas is blowing out of the tank while I'm inside a house. I made it out, let the thing bleed out in the yard. Belive it you had a good day Bob. :drinks CR
Wow, what an experience! My heart was pounding just reading it. I'm so glad you and the garage are okay. Continue applications of cold beer until further notice.
Really terrible Bob but I cant help but thinking of the venerable "Patric F McManus".... He always has some type of story with the same kind of gallows humor.
Paul, got me googling that name. Never heard of him but enjoyed a couple of his blogs right off.

Funny thing, in all my soldering I never came close to burning up something :rotf