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Arado Ar234P-1 now with 100% more finished!


Active member
Here it is, the finished Dragon 1/72 scale Arado Ar 234P-1 Nightfighter. These are not the quality of pictures I wanted for this model but considering the weather and poor lighting conditions outside this time of year I am lucky to even have these. ;)

The four engine Arado Ar 234's were the only production WWII jets that were overpowered, they could not be flown at max throttle because of limitations of the airframe as it approached Mach 1. Most early jets were limited in speed due to the low power of the jet engines.










Beautiful, as usual! I just love looking at your work Les! :coolio

All the best!
Thanks guys, glad you like the Arado. :)

I am sure the Arado design was looked at by several U.S. aircraft design teams with interest.
Arado was working on a swept wing version of the Arado Ar 234 and a test wing was close to being finished and was to be mounted on the fuselage of a standard Ar 234, the end of the war stopped this from happening but the swept wing design for the Arado was copied by the British and the wing appeared on one of the cold war British bombers and was a big success, sorry I can't remember exactly which British bomber used the Arado swept wing design but it was the one with the crescent shaped wing.

That's one sweet looking paint job and a great looking set of photos Les (y) (y) (y)

The Handley Page Victor was the bomber that used the Arado crescent shaped wing. Antares makes a resin set to convert the standard Ar 234 kit into the V16 with the crescent wing and swept back horizontal stabilizer. I did a review of what is in the box if anyone is interested. Antares V16 set
Makes you wonder If it got the swept back wing if it could have broken the sound barrier?
Thanks for the extra info guys, its one of those things that makes this hobby so damn interesting
Thanks Gary.

Even with the swept back wings I doubt the Ar 234 would have been able to go past Mach 1 but would have been a real problem for Allied fighters trying to catch it in their gun sights.
As it was the four engine Ar 234 was faster than the Me 262.

Wow, nice job on this Les!

The pictures look fine. You can always bring it out again when the weather improves!

Thanks for the comments Warren, Dave, and Ian!

The pictures are not the worst I have ever posted but are not what I had planned for this model. My plans were to use one of my aircraft hangers along with other models of nightfighters and some figures. The poor lighting conditions made setting up for doing these type of pictures impossible...yes I had sunlight when these pictures were taken but unfortunately there were also shadows everywhere from tree branches ruining the shots. :bang head
