Old Dog
Well-known member
February 1944 Stalin’s death. (Listed as heart failure which may have been bullet induced)
March 1944 Soviet Union capitulates. Some areas fight on but most just give up. Stalin having killed more of his own citizens than the Germans did had left the survivors only too willing to accept Hitler’s terms. Hitler gains oil, resources and industrial capacity. Begins at once to move tooling and manufacturing resources to the east where they will remain out of reach of the Allies until the B-35 and B-36 become operational.
April – May 1944 Hitler moves troops and equipment no longer needed on the eastern front westward to France to oppose rumored invasion plans. Luftwaffe assets no longer required in the Soviet Union are also returned to France where they disrupt attempts by the Allies to pave the way for the invasion. By mid May an additional 500,000 troops are in place to repulse the invasion.
June 1944 Faced with ever increasing opposition forces Eisenhower cancels the invasion.
June – December 1944 Stalemate. Allies continue strategic bombing of Germany but the number of worth while targets is diminishing as most all of the third Reich’s manufacturing has been moved out of range. The gradually increasing resources of the Luftwaffe are also making it more costly for the Allies to continue any sort of bombing campaign.
January – June 1945 The stalemate continues while Germany rebuilds it’s air and ground assets. With the availability of strategic materials Germany is able to build more powerful and reliable jet engines and is quickly replacing its prop fighters and bombers with jet powered aircraft.
July – November 1945 The Luftwaffe’s second generation jet aircraft gradually take back the sky from the Allies and increasing losses brings an end to most strategic bombing however nuisance raids continue as the Allies attempt to work the bugs out of their first generation jets and ultra long range bombers.
December 1945 Hitler, anxious to start rebuilding Germany, issues ultimatum to the British. Stop allowing the United States to use England as a base to attack Germany or face renewed attacks on incoming shipping.
January 1946 Refusal of Britain to accept the ultimatum results in Germany returning to submarine and air attacks on shipping to England. Since the fall of the Soviet Union Germany has been building up her submarine fleet using Soviet ship building facilities and has also amassed a fleet of the new Ar 555 anti-shipping aircraft to take up where the once notorious Focke-Wulf Fw 200 left off. Equipped with the latest high frequency search radar, two upgraded Hs 293 television guided missiles, conventional bombs and two 30 mm cannons, this deadly aircraft has the range to roam beyond the mid Atlantic seeking out and destroying Allied shipping. For self-defense it carries four 20 mm cannons in remotely controlled turrets and its radar can also detect and track incoming airborne threats and because of its high speed can leave most pursuit far behind if need be.
Anyone make it this far ? :laugh: Anyway all that was to lead up to my latest completion the Revell Ar 555. This is a nice kit with few vices. The surface detail is a bit much for the scale but I didn't let that stop me. I saw one of these done up with missiles somewhere on the net and had to go that route. The kit has a fairly complete interior for the scale and I only added seat harnesses and a throttle quadrant.
The 20mm barrels are hypo tubing and the 30mm are Masters barrels attached to some brass tubing. I used MV lenses in the noses of the Hs 293s. I figured if Germany had demonstrated TV in 1936 by 1946 they would have adapted it for weapons use. The missiles came from a Condor set. I added the radar radome on the bottom made from the nose of a 1/72 torpedo.
It was a fun build and allowed me to dabble a little in the world of wiffers.
Thanks for looking in !
March 1944 Soviet Union capitulates. Some areas fight on but most just give up. Stalin having killed more of his own citizens than the Germans did had left the survivors only too willing to accept Hitler’s terms. Hitler gains oil, resources and industrial capacity. Begins at once to move tooling and manufacturing resources to the east where they will remain out of reach of the Allies until the B-35 and B-36 become operational.
April – May 1944 Hitler moves troops and equipment no longer needed on the eastern front westward to France to oppose rumored invasion plans. Luftwaffe assets no longer required in the Soviet Union are also returned to France where they disrupt attempts by the Allies to pave the way for the invasion. By mid May an additional 500,000 troops are in place to repulse the invasion.
June 1944 Faced with ever increasing opposition forces Eisenhower cancels the invasion.
June – December 1944 Stalemate. Allies continue strategic bombing of Germany but the number of worth while targets is diminishing as most all of the third Reich’s manufacturing has been moved out of range. The gradually increasing resources of the Luftwaffe are also making it more costly for the Allies to continue any sort of bombing campaign.
January – June 1945 The stalemate continues while Germany rebuilds it’s air and ground assets. With the availability of strategic materials Germany is able to build more powerful and reliable jet engines and is quickly replacing its prop fighters and bombers with jet powered aircraft.
July – November 1945 The Luftwaffe’s second generation jet aircraft gradually take back the sky from the Allies and increasing losses brings an end to most strategic bombing however nuisance raids continue as the Allies attempt to work the bugs out of their first generation jets and ultra long range bombers.
December 1945 Hitler, anxious to start rebuilding Germany, issues ultimatum to the British. Stop allowing the United States to use England as a base to attack Germany or face renewed attacks on incoming shipping.
January 1946 Refusal of Britain to accept the ultimatum results in Germany returning to submarine and air attacks on shipping to England. Since the fall of the Soviet Union Germany has been building up her submarine fleet using Soviet ship building facilities and has also amassed a fleet of the new Ar 555 anti-shipping aircraft to take up where the once notorious Focke-Wulf Fw 200 left off. Equipped with the latest high frequency search radar, two upgraded Hs 293 television guided missiles, conventional bombs and two 30 mm cannons, this deadly aircraft has the range to roam beyond the mid Atlantic seeking out and destroying Allied shipping. For self-defense it carries four 20 mm cannons in remotely controlled turrets and its radar can also detect and track incoming airborne threats and because of its high speed can leave most pursuit far behind if need be.
Anyone make it this far ? :laugh: Anyway all that was to lead up to my latest completion the Revell Ar 555. This is a nice kit with few vices. The surface detail is a bit much for the scale but I didn't let that stop me. I saw one of these done up with missiles somewhere on the net and had to go that route. The kit has a fairly complete interior for the scale and I only added seat harnesses and a throttle quadrant.

The 20mm barrels are hypo tubing and the 30mm are Masters barrels attached to some brass tubing. I used MV lenses in the noses of the Hs 293s. I figured if Germany had demonstrated TV in 1936 by 1946 they would have adapted it for weapons use. The missiles came from a Condor set. I added the radar radome on the bottom made from the nose of a 1/72 torpedo.
It was a fun build and allowed me to dabble a little in the world of wiffers.
Thanks for looking in !