Super Moderator

Here's a sneak peek!
Now, the Chinese-made sharky-sharkmouth decals are quite thick. They took 3 generous dousings of Solv-A-Set to get them to conform to the complex curves on the Moonbat nacelles. The mouth decals are mostly pairs, so I molested both of my decal sheets to get both sharkmouths in place. They are nicely opaque and colorfast.
The kit decals take a LONG time to soak off the backing paper. They are nicely in register, and NO decal likes the angular side profile of the P-67. I know now why my Anigrand kit came with 2 sets of decals.
My red serials, aircraft numbers and Widow II woman artwork clear paper decals are too translucent to use over black paint. They work ok on the gray, so I will wait for my red number decals to get here from Omaha to finish that up.
I did print some Widows and 422nd NFIS badges on white decal paper. Precise, intricate trimming will be needed to make them believable.
Is that more to your liking, Saul?