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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Made another trip to Home Depot today for another load of lumber. Helping my mom build a greenhouse, but the weather wont cooperate long enough for us to be able to grade the backyard so that we have a level place for it and to place the raised garden bed's.

Adam, stop shopping the BORG! Resistance is NOT futile. :laugh:
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

You've been living in the same house for 45 years? Holy OMGs.... That would be wonderful...

We moved in that house when I was 3 years old. That house was a block away from where my Dad grew up, three blocks from where my Mom grew up (though they didn't know each other as kids). My Sister now has the house my Dad grew up in. Mom and Dad lived there all that time and it was the focal point of the family, including the extended family. There were a couple of thanksgivings where we had upwards of 200 people in and around that house eating turkey.


It looks pretty much as it did in 71, it's far more house than my Mom can handle since Dad passed away last year. It's far more house than any of us kids need for our families also. The local university bought it and will demolish it for dorms sometime next year. We knew they were eyeballing it for years just held out as long as we could.

Yeah Barney, I think the word to use is Wonderful. :drinks

Mom still lives in the house we moved into back in 1960, roots are a great thing!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I envy you guys... 4 elementary schools, 2 jr Hi's and a high school... in 3 different towns. 5 universities.. Middle of my junior year in college my dad announced that he and mom were going RVing that summer... they stayed on the road for 21 years. 90% of the kids i graduated HS with, live w/in 20 miles of where they grew up... I have seen sunrise and sunset in Africa, Central America, SW Asia, Europe, Caribbean... Norway to Congo... Iraq to Costa Rica...

I am so luck to have travelled like I have and seen many of the things I have seen... some of it was pretty hairy, but the experience was absolutely unbelievable...

But once in a while, when the road is kinda dark
and the end is kinda hard to see
I look up and I cry o a cloud going by
Won't there ever be a home for me, Somewhere?
everybody's got a home but me.

It took 52 years, but I found my home. It isn't a house or apartment. it is in someone's heart. That my friends, is the most wonderful thing I could ever imagine.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Barney, take heart. There's better days coming.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Getting ready to go to a 'Modellbauausstellung'.

Now wouldn't it be nice to know some German ^^^^..... :laugh:

If everything goes well,pictures will follow.

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

that must be something like "modelbouw tentoonstelling"?
Looking forward to see some nice pics :)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Getting ready to go to a 'Modellbauausstellung'.

Now wouldn't it be nice to know some German ^^^^..... :laugh:

If everything goes well,pictures will follow.


That sort of almost happened in 1940's, be careful what you wish for, Ron! :laugh: B) :drinks
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I had a difficult time with English... and I was born here! :drinks
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Don't feel bad Barney. I find that a large number of the population here does as well :fencing

Cheers, Christian B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Don't feel bad Barney. I find that a large number of the population here does as well :fencing

Cheers, Christian B)


Hey Christian,I have seen your avatar on Phantom models,
Pictures about to come!

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hey Ron that's where he originated . All the F-4 wings that I have been assigned to had a drawing of the Phantom. The difference being that I only remember the black and white and no other colors.

Cheers, Christian B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Glued the rear and mid fuselage plugs of my Mig 23 just in time to get called into work. Yeah
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Looking out the kitchen window at a June Bug hovering over my grille! Crazy damn weather! We've had 10 days of 80 degree F in MARCH!! :vmad
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

They actually had a news report of some Ohio retirees complaining they knew about the heat here, they didn't know about the bugs. :rotf

Yeap, we even got a new one around here, it feeds off the Kudzu, finally something that eats Kudzu but there's nothing that can kill the bug...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


So, the imported a bug from Asia to eat that plant they imported to feed cattle and discover the bug is not easy to kill? Must have been a gov'ment project!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

They actually had a news report of some Ohio retirees complaining they knew about the heat here, they didn't know about the bugs. :rotf

Yeap, we even got a new one around here, it feeds off the Kudzu, finally something that eats Kudzu but there's nothing that can kill the bug...
Feed the bug some of that BBQ we got in Augusta!! :sick: :sick: :stinker
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


So, the imported a bug from Asia to eat that plant they imported to feed cattle and discover the bug is not easy to kill? Must have been a gov'ment project!

Can't kill the damned kudzu either! :vmad