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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

on the bench today we have .... a 1" wide petrol tank. I'm getting into this masking lark :)

The way its been raining here today its time to get out the plans for an Ark.

Now, where did I leave my tape measure marked in cubits?

Here we go all primed up. Now let the paint do its thing for about a week then then start the pre-shading. A big thanks to Mr. Moonpuppy for the use of his man cave.


Today i unpacked Tamiya's 1/12 Ferrari 312T
A pretty daunting kit in the part count


Before i go too far I need a plan :)
What do i want to achieve. F1 cars by their nature of streamlining have very little external detail. Of course they dont have a Hood you can lift to see the engine, you could spend a millennium detailing and fitting PE to radiators that would never be seen again and so on.

I can see different cars could be posed with different panels removed and displayed alongside.. the Ferrari here does have a cockpit panel over the seat and engine that conveniently omitted like this build by someone else..


Or you could just stop here with all panels off


Difficult decisions to make before i start

I ordered the decals from Indycals as they are the only ones still making them for the 312T and the kit ones have gone yellow after 50 years unsurprisingly :) ( i myself have done the same )

I am told the indydecals will not fit as they seem to design them in one scale then enlarge/.reduce to different scales which is only going to work if the say 1/20 model is enlarged exactly to 1/12 by the manufacturer ...we shall see, i might need to get the masking tape out ...

Will this ever be seen again ?

this is the cockpit tub, there is a PE set for this at over £120 . none of it will ever be seen again with full build..
My after market demons strike again ;-)

Indydecals have just congratulated me on my purchase........and now they tell me they dont actually cut the carrier film so you have to cut the decals out....just look at those pin stripes ? anyone fancy cutting them out ?.bugger , another £20 up the swanny.


Not being funny but if i am going to cut them out i could just buy the pinstripes here in the UK and print the other stuff myself.
I have been working on the Ju88. Reworked the vertical stabilizer as it was too pointed and thin. Needed a much thicker cross section. I have photos, but not posting them tonight anymore.