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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

40 Hours and 23 minutes.

Thats how long I have been without a damn cigarette :fencing

(y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) :D

It's been since the middle of October for me so Hang in there Dave. Rule of thumb is you'll always regret starting, you'll never regret quitting. And besides, now when you blow a wad of cash on "modeling supplies" and somebody starts whinning about how much you spent, you can always fall back on the argument that it's still less the you woulda spent on smokes :woohoo: , at least that's what I do :drinks
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


Thanks for the support guys. Tim I have a glass jar and I am throwing into it my daily siggies spend. (OK maybe a bit more) I will use this to buy whatever I WANT ITS ALL MINE MINE MINE
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

that's something to be proud of Dave!
Happy for you and it's a great + with the extra money to buy plastic for!!
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Good luck Dave! I'm rooting for you.

I don't know what they cost these days but let's say $5.00 a pack and 1 pack a day. There's 365 days in most years so 365 x $5.00 is 1,825.00 you'd save on ciggies alone. Then there's stuff like lighters. So in a year you might spend $2,000.00 on that habit. That's a passel of nice kit and accessories. Any time you feel like having a ciggy just think about that $ stash you're building.

Cheers from Peter
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Just want to say Happy Birthday to everyone who's had one, and Congrats Dave for kicking that Habit. You'll be thrilled once you're past the cravings. Besides, there's so many more products out there to help you break and stay off that habit; more than when my mother quite 43+ years ago.

I apologize for not being on much. My PC was in the shop for a week, and now that it's home; I cannot connect to our wired network. I'm on our wireless, but it is shaky at best so I cannot post much more than a few text posts.

Working hard on a house trying to raise some cash for the Nationals. Talking up a lot of time. Maybe in a few days I'll be able to post pics.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Thanks guys with all the help and well wishes I have received its been 76 hours and the worst of the cravings is past. I am not as iritable as I was also.

The savings fund is growing and I am sure I am going to buy something great soon.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hi Dave . I feel your pain !

I have been down that road, so I can appreciate what you're going through. After the initial three months, I have never regretted quitting (y)

So nice, no burn holes in your pants or car seats.....Good luck ; bite as many people as you have to ( except the wife ) It'll be worth getting there :drinks

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Working now, but not too interested. Thinking about the shooting a few doors down last night. Neighbourhood is getting a bit seedy it seems.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

About to have the house to myself for the weekend as the wife and kids head to a three day horse clinic...someone has to stay home and take care of the farm ;). I was supposed to ride the 25 mile route for the local Tour de Cure for diabetes bike ride, but I pulled my hamstring playing baseball last night so I am out of that it seems...
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Take care James!
Jeeves, have a very nice calm weekend :)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

It's early Saturday morning and I'm getting caught up on my morning reading before heading out to San Diego for their model contest. I'll be entering nine models; about all I can afford to do right now.

Jeeves, relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. James, just keep the Faith and He'll keep you safe.

See y'all on the flip side.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well this has been a real off weekend. Cant get enthused about anything. I'm building. Started a Centuaro and broke it. Have to order a new one. Anyone who builds this kit, be warned. Read the instructions a couple of times and chart a path for the build. It does not follow a logical course and I realized too late I had a piece on wrong. Broke it trying to fix it.
Then as I was building nose started running and I started hacking and sneezing so in bed. And its hot and humid here.
Now I am looking at a Stug. Something nice and easy. No add ons except the track. That is unless I order a gun too. Although Tony's Nashorn is kind of calling too.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I dropped the rear suspension and turned the wheels on the little Kubel. Did a ton of to-do list stuff, and moved a significant portion of my vast library from my office- we're moving ina week and a half. Good to get stuff done!
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Making eyelets and turn buckles.

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Have fun with that! (says the guy who's making tracks 10 parts per track...)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Trying to track down the source(s) of interference of my Lindberg 1/32 scale radio-controlled PT boat. I sure hope it's someting in the model and not due to outside radio interference.

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Just getting ready for my first day back on the job from "winter" layoff. Should have started two weeks ago but HR messed up the paperwork :vmad