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A Suggestion for the Forums...

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
I would like to know if these Forums can be set up so that I only receive one notice in my E-mail inbox when a Thread I'm watching receives a reply. I come to these Forums so that I can read everything altogether, I don't need to open every E-mail from here to read all the replies. I never understood why I have to get every reply. Not only to they all come in out of sequence; but it can really fill up the inbox when a thread (or three, or five) gets a whole lot of replies. I'd rather come here to read everything in sequence instead of having my inbox filled with replies posted in random fashion.

Thank you for considering this.
I've had other folks complain about the summery subscription that you are asking for. Seems I can't please everyone.

How about this. Instead of subscribing to threads just come here once a day and read this.


That way you don't miss anything. :mpup
That's what i do most of the times, and if there is something special, then i go to that topic and search there, but the recent topics is great :)
Yes that works well, I have my bookmark set on forum/recent so when I use the bookmark it takes me straight there.

Another little suggestion is using the Green tick in the Topic Icon - could this be reserved for Finished Models only?

It's a nice and easy way to see what has been completed.
I'll have to use the recent topics sometime. I just look for the green and read everything, refresh the page and read the next bunch, etc.

That's the way I do it James.

The Green box to the left of the Forum Title is new message indicator. Nope, can't change it.
the red x the heart the light bulb the question mark the exclamation mark the red and blue arrows the paper? icon
Those are thread headers or whatever you call them an icon to go in front of a thread title,....seldom used in their current form.

I am also a recent topic guy when it comes to my start page I used to have email notifications but soon disregarded that.
Oh those, I guess they are just some sort of representation of what the thread is about. Never given them much thought.
I've had other folks complain about the summery subscription that you are asking for. Seems I can't please everyone.

How about this. Instead of subscribing to threads just come here once a day and read this.


That way you don't miss anything. :mpup

I already do that once I've finished reading the ones I get notices for. Why would someone want to complain about getting a summary of Thread answered to? Do all other members read everything in their in boxes and only come here to answer something? I hate doing that; why come to the Forums at all then?

Gee, it's too bad that an option couldn't be made in everyone's profile page giving each member the opportunity to go in and make their choice of whether to receive every response or receive a summary. I guess I'll have to live with it.

Okay, now on to the Recent Topics to see what else is new....
Mark the things you're asking for are possible but require a great deal of coding to make it work. The few things I have coded up to work like this generally get broken the next time we have a software update from the vendors and then I have to work to figure out how it broke and how to fix it (lke the who's online thing which is broke again). And it turns into a viscous cycle.

If there is a commercial plug in (which is supported by another vendor) to give you these options I'll be glad to load it but I don't find anything like this. But creating that plug in and supporting it myself, well...to be honest, I'd rather spend my time at the model bench instead of computer screen.

hope you understand.
I do understand, which is why I said I'll have to live with the current situation. Trust me, I'm not worth doing something extra like that for. I'd rather you spend the quality time on the bench as well, especially since your models are so much more impressive than mine.

Don't worry about it. Let's get back to our regularly scheduled program.

Thanks for the explanation and for the consideration. I commend you on the fantastic job you're doing keeping these Forums going. It's one of the smoothest ones I frequent.