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A pair of Martins

Old Dog

Well-known member

No, not that kind :D

This kind...


One of the goals I set for myself this year is to finish up a huge backlog of unfinished kits I have collecting dust. To that end I present these two. The Baltimore, on the right for those who aren't familiar with them, was started in August of 2008. It has been on and off the bench a dozen times over the years and every time it seemed I fixed one thing and ran into another aggravation and back on the shelf it went. About a year ago I started the Maryland and after getting a good start on it I drug out the Baltimore determined to finish it. It took almost another year of dealing with issues but they are now both finished.

The Baltimore is a Classic Airframes kit, it had a fairly nice interior





It also had what seemed like an endless amount typical CA issues to work though but I finally beat them.










The Maryland is a Special Hobby kit and was a much easier build but was not without issues. The worst part of the build was the paint job. The aircraft represented was delivered to the French in natural metal and the French painted it without using a primer which resulted in paint degradation similar to that seen on Japanese aircraft. I used the salt chipping method but wasn't totally happy with it. I did use fine sea salt which gave me more diversity in the chip size than regular table salt but the masking and salt chipping on the four color scheme soon wore me down. Any way it's now finished too.

The interior was pretty decent on it as well...






And the finished shots...









I'm glad they are in the case and finished, two kits you don't see built that often.

Thanks for looking.
Good show :good: I like them .both (y) (y) (y) I have the two in 72 Special Hobby so, you a me hope that I will build them someday
I'm keeping these for reference . :D

Sort of lost me about the French paint, since they are wearing mostly Brit markings. What's the rest of that story ? Did they escape to the UK ?

Cheers, Christian B)
Yes, this one at least was taken over by the Brits and all they did was paint over the French markings. This particular aircraft was flown by Adrian Warburton who with his crew managed to destroy 10 enemy aircraft, seven in the air and three on the ground. The Maryland made a good showing of itself in the Mediterranean theater.
Yes, this one at least was taken over by the Brits and all they did was paint over the French markings. This particular aircraft was flown by Adrian Warburton who with his crew managed to destroy 10 enemy aircraft, seven in the air and three on the ground. The Maryland made a good showing of itself in the Mediterranean theater.

Wow , interesting story . To refer to his exploits as eccentricities is being very kind. He sounds like a wild man but he certainly got the job done (y)

Seems to me I read that this bomber was a fast and agile machine .

Cheers, Christian B)
Beautiful jobs Gary! They look great! :drinks

If I ever find one of those CA Baltimore kits for a decent price I'm going to nab it! Might use your pics as a reference for the FM Maryland kit I got from you that I'm planning to tackle. Hopefully it will look 1/10 as good as yours!
