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A Base for the B1 Bis

Tim A.

Well-known member
I've been working on a simple base to display a B1 I finished some time ago. Here's what I have so far. The street is poured plaster with the cobblestones and sidewalks being carved in after it all dried. The street lamp is from an old Miniart kit. I plan on building a gateway of sorts on the side with the storm drain.




Everything seems simple to Tim. Could always add the front of a cafe with a few wine bottles. Would that be too complicated.
Cheers, Chrisian B)
Hey thanks guys :v

Moonpup.... I really meant a simple looking scene but, actually the hardest part was getting that old streetlamp back in shape as the two halves were curled up like a pair of old shoes. Ron, I've been here but just up to my elbows in wood dust from another modelling project :lol: Christian, I wish there was enough room. I do have a fascade but didn't use it you know.... trying to keep it simple :laugh: Andy, I would like to do a SBS. It's therapy for me :side: the hard part is waiting for the plaster to dry
Now if I can pull off something to make the scene more interesting.

Ron, I've been here but just up to my elbows in wood dust from another modelling project :lol:


:blush: Can you believe it....I forgot about your GREAT Baltimore Clipper build... :blush:
[But it is great to see you back on the ARMOR stuff :) ]

Thanks guys :)
Yeah Ron it nice to be working with plastic again :v Speaking of plastic I've chose to make the the gateway out of styrene, here's a pic of a section done today. I am peircing the design with the jewelers saw and believe 020 styrene is pretty much pushing the limit of thinness using the J saw method. The gate itself will be the same design.


I'm with them...so you are saying you cut this design out with a saw?? Its perfectly symmetrical.... :drinks
Thanks all :v Lol Laura... you got the mad part right but I wish I was an android as it would all have been done a long time ago along with the laundry and dishes too :lol: I had my choice of brass or styrene for this. Brass in the same thickness would have been no problem with the saw but the plastic proved to be very flimsy while cutting. I struggled to pull it off. Not quite finished with this section as I still have to figure out how to attach this "fence". When I come up with something the bottom will be cut away. I'm using extra fine blades for this. the teeth are barely visible.
