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'98 Taurus - Redux

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

DEcals strting to go on, but there's a wee bit more cracking and tearing than I anticipated. The myriad of sponsors decals will cover most of the tears, but the ones that remain I can correct without too much trouble.

Couple of 'general' views:

And a couple of close-ups of that cracking & tearing:

As ever thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Yikes....at first I thought you could just go with it and scrape up the wheel well but the number, hmm. maybe you can just put a tire rub over it?
Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

This has happened before, Bob, but admittedly never this bad. All it takes is a steady hand and a little 'deft' airbrush work later-on. No biggie !!

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Unfortunately that seems to be a common issue w/ the older Slixx decals. I'm very worried about the Citgo cars I'm working on. I know the decals are at least 10 years old, and there was a period during late 2001 into late 2002 where a lot of their decals had that problem.
Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

and there was a period during late 2001 into late 2002 where a lot of their decals had that problem.

Aeromaster went through the exact same problem in the early 2000's aswell - may have been one of the contributing factors to their demise, I honestly don't know. I'll soldier-on with the Taurus, gone too far to quit !!

'99 Taurus - Redux

Dug this back out and stripped away the cracked decals. Started stripping the paint today aswell.




Absolutely no prizes for anybody who guesses which scheme it will be wearing soon :evil:

'99 Taurus - Redux

Yep, Jeremy Mayfield's car for the '98 season - the first year for the Taurus. Paint gone courtesy of 'Mr Muscle' oven cleaner, and the insides undercoated Tamiya acrylic (matt) red.



If you look back you'll see that I almost finished the cage & chassis and (of course) it's painted light grey, the #12 car was all red inside and underneath, so rather than repaint the whole thing, I'm going to steal the interior from another Taurus kit and simply start again then 'donate' the original grey one to that kit - easy !!

More soon.

'99 Taurus - Redux

This stuff:


I'm sure you can get it in the States, but likely will be a different name/brand.

'99 Taurus - Redux


Started the interior (from the 'other' Taurus kit). Sprayed Tamiya 'Bright Red' right outta the rattle-can.

'99 Taurus - Redux

Been working on this a wee bit at a time, just about ready to mate the block to the chassis so thought I'd show y'all some photo's.




The cage is all finished now.



Keep watching more next week, hopefully.

'99 Taurus - Redux

Your post reminds me that I've got a 2000 Taurus out in the garage that needs some body work and a paint job. Thank God I don't need any decals.