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'98 Taurus - Redux


Well-known member
It was a comment I read a couple of days ago that brought this back to the workbench. I started it 13 months ago, and simply stopped because I lost the enthusiasm. Quite suddenly the enthusiasm came back, a direct result of the aforementioned comment, so without any more 'jaw jaw' here's my Revell'ogram 99 Taurus:

Unlike a lot of NASCAR kits there's no front airdam to attach - it's already there, just the rear valance needs to be added. With that done I sprayed the interior with two coats of Xtracolour Light Compass Grey enamel then masked off and started with Humbrol 222 Dark Metallic Blue shot over a Glossy black base coat.

Not too bad, three light coats once dried and cured, lightly rubbed down with ultra fine grade wet'n dry paper. Hopefully it will look like this when it's done:

And no I won't be building a 1:25 Glen Allen to stand alongside it !!. More soon, thanks for taking the time to look and as ever happy to take any question, comment or criticism.

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Well Ian,there is a way to let Glen Allen stand alongside it: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2450908/Asdas-3D-printing-service-UK-first.html ;)

Revell'ogram? That a combination of Revell and Monogram?


Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Revell'ogram? That a combination of Revell and Monogram? ;)


Yep, lots of crossover between these companies especially with their car kits. Trick is recognising where the kit originates. You'll find Hasegawa, Italeri (and by extension Esci) aswell as Monogram car kits in Revell boxes, and more beside !!

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Thanks, bud.

Hopefully get some bench time this weekend - it's Labour Day here on Monday so assuming Frau can entertain the 'little darlings' for an hour or two over the next three days... :dance

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Good start.

Did you prime the body before adding the color coats?
Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Just a coat of Tamiya matt black acrylic straight from the rattle-can, then a coat of glossy black.

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Some progress:

Interior is Xtracolour Light Compass Grey enamel:

Engine block is Tamiya acrylic chrome silver, clutch & gearbox Tamiya acrylic aluminium with a little Panzer Grey mixed-in.

More soon, in the meantime thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Engine block done, minus the pipes:

More soon.

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Looks good Ian, get some goop and stuff down in there, never seen such a clean motor. :popcorn
Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Some progress from the last week or so:

As you can see, building-up the roll-cage is a slow but steady process. Patience & CA glue are the best tools you can use for this. Both in considerable quantities :zen

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Thanks Randy (et al).

It's Sunday evening here, and last night I had two-and-a-half uninterrupted hours with this project. Got the interior cage almost finished, started on the front suspension and started prepping the rear axle assembly. Tonight I'll decal the dash and add the last of the bracing. Hopefully I can get the rear axle sprayed aswell.

Update pics on Monday or Tuesday.

Barbasol '99 Taurus - from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Roll cage done:

Of course I couldn't resist taking a couple with the shell on:

Thanks for looking and/or commenting. Next, decals...
